Scottish Housing News Podcast

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“We have a theory of change which demonstrates the changes we are hoping to see in people's lives that will ultimately help us achieve our vision of a world where everyone has an equal chance to create a safe and supportive place to call home.” Returning to the subject of homelessness, K

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“In crisis situations, don't try and save face in front of us. Tell us the warts and all. Tell us the reality of the situation here. If we're going in with one hand tied behind our back, then it isn't going to end well.” In this episode of the Scottish Housing News Podcast, Kieran Findla

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Below is a full transcript of episode 58 of the Scottish Housing News Podcast titled 'Communications during a crisis with Sally Thomas and Chris Fairbairn'. Listen to the episode here.

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Jimmy Black and Kieran Findlay conclude their series on the Scottish Government’s new Housing Bill with an interview with the minister responsible for bringing the legislation through Parliament, housing minister Paul McLennan. The wide-ranging discussion centred on measures in the proposed le

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Housing minister Paul McLennan has told Scottish Housing News that he intends to share details on an action plan to tackle Scotland's housing emergency next week. Speaking to Kieran Findlay and Jimmy Black for the Scottish Housing News Podcast, the minister said the statement had to wait until a Hou

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Below is a full transcript of episode 56 of the Scottish Housing News Podcast titled 'The Housing Bill part 3: Domestic abuse with Michelle Meldrum, Eileen McMullan and Sophie Berry'. Listen to the episode here.

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Kieran Findlay and Jimmy Black put the Holyrood turmoil to one side and continue their exploration of various elements of the Scottish Government’s new Housing Bill with a look at proposed new homelessness prevention measures. The legislation will introduce an ‘ask and act’ duty on

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Below is a full transcript of episode 54 of the Scottish Housing News Podcast titled ‘Housing Bill part 1: Rent controls and tenants' rights with Dr John Boyle’. Professor Douglas Robertson also contributed to this episode, but we could not include his audio in the published recordi

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"Technically heat networks aren't really difficult. It is just large-scale plumbing. The heat's already there, we're just moving it.” With the Scottish Government’s New Build Heat Standard now in force, the installation of ‘direct emission’ systems for heating for new build h

1-15 of 90 Articles