Manor Estates Housing Association retains IIP Gold

Manor Estates Housing Association retains IIP Gold

Manor Estates Housing Association has successfully maintained its Gold accreditation with Investors in People.

The review was carried out during February /March this year with 70% of staff completing a survey, followed up by interviews with 39% of staff. Through this process, the assessor was able to get a comprehensive understanding of the Association and how staff feel about working there.

Investors in People is an internationally recognised means by which employers promote their staff’s engagement, development, leadership, and support.

Claire Ironside, CEO, said: “It is wonderful to receive the gold accreditation at this time especially after spending the last two years dealing with the impact of Covid and the staff team mainly working remotely. The award is a true reflection of the hard work and dedication from all the staff and Board members at Manor Estates.”

Rachel Hutton, chair, added: “We are delighted to see the ongoing recognition of the culture and great work from the Manor Estates team.”

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