Podcast: Racial diversity in the housing profession with Lara Oyedele, Callum Chomczuk and Fash Fasoro

Lara Oyedele, Callum Chomczuk and Fash Fasoro
Continuing with our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) theme, we discuss whether housing associations, membership bodies and other organisations within the sector should be looking to increase diversity among staff, leadership and at board level. Why is it important? And what resources are available for those looking to attract a broader range of backgrounds and experiences?
Joining Kieran and Jimmy are Lara Oyedele, the current president of the Chartered Institute of Housing, who is seeking to raise awareness of the importance of racial diversity within the leadership of the housing sector with her CIH presidential campaign, ‘In My Shoes’, Callum Chomczuk, the national director for CIH Scotland and chair of the internal EDI group which for the past two years has been working to improve EDI throughout CIH and its membership, and Fash Fasoro, the CEO of social enterprise DataKirk. Fash helped organise the recent Scottish Black Talent Summit and offers insight on how to improve diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
If you want to support Lara’s Shoe Aid crowdfunder, here’s the link.
Jimmy Black has written a blog to accompany the episode, here.
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