SURF launches best practice awards for community regeneration

The national 2019 SURF Awards for Best Practice in Community Regeneration have been launched by the Scottish Government.
The awards are delivered each year by SURF, a regeneration forum with over 300 cross-sector member organisations across Scotland, in partnership with the Scottish Government.
The purpose is to highlight, celebrate and share the achievements of initiatives that address physical, social and economic challenges in communities across Scotland.
This year’s five thematic categories include; Supporting Youth Employability sponsored by Skills Development Scotland, Creative Regeneration sponsored by Creative Scotland, Community Led Regeneration sponsored by Highlands and Island Enterprise, Scotland’s Most Improved Place sponsored by Scotland’s Towns Partnership and Architecture & Design Scotland and finally Housing and Regeneration which celebrates successful links between housing development and wider regeneration outcomes.
The winners of the 2019 Awards will be announced by a Scottish Government minister at a celebratory dinner in Glasgow’s Grand Central Hotel on December 5.
The timescale for the 2019 SURF Awards is as follows:
- Monday 2nd September - close of application period
- Sept-Oct - Shortlisting by 20 independent judges
- Late Sept-Nov - Visits and assessment period by judges
- Thursday 5th December – SURF Awards Dinner (Grand Central Hotel, Glasgow)
This year SURF will again be holding a Caption Competition for the main Awards Image featuring the bumblebee and fly resting on a thistle. The best and funniest caption will win a free place at the SURF Awards Celebratory Dinner.
Aileen Campbell MSP, cabinet secretary for local government and communities, said: “As we celebrate the 21st year of the SURF Awards, they remain a vital platform for recognising successful community regeneration. Last year’s awards showcased terrific examples of empowered and ambitious communities across Scotland delivering lasting improvements through community-led projects. I encourage as many projects as possible to submit an entry for this year’s awards.”
SURF’s chief executive, Andy Milne, said: “With an ever greater focus on the role of place based regeneration projects, the SURF Awards don’t just highlight the best, they share learning and make the links between local challenges and assets, and national policy and resources.”
Michelle Gibson from Skills Development Scotland, added: “The SURF Awards allow Skills Development Scotland to recognise the invaluable work that organisations do to support young people to overcome barriers and help them in their journey towards training or employment. We are able to identify innovative and new ways of working and promote this best practice. The SURF award for Youth Employability Overcoming Barriers is a corner stone in this work.”
For further information on the SURF Awards and to download application materials visit or contact Emma Scott on