Eildon bids farewell to chair Dave Alexander at 49th AGM

Dave Alexander (front centre) with attendees at Eildon's AGM
Eildon Housing Associations held its 49th Annual General Meeting in Selkirk last week in an event that also marked the retirement of Scottish housing stalwart Dave Alexander.
Mr Alexander had been Eildon’s chair for four years, and a board member for nine years.
In his final annual report as chair, he highlighted some of Eildon’s key achievements for 2021/22, including the launch of the new corporate 5 Year Strategy, the significant expansion of Eildon’s new build programme with 241 new homes and 397 new tenancies created.
The expansion of extra care services with the new state-of-the-art extra care development Wilkie Gardens, Galashiels and the transfer of 28 SB Cares staff at Dovecot Court, Peebles. A total of 99 new recruits were appointed during the course of the year. It was noted that great progress has also been made with a range of other ongoing collaborative partnerships supporting communities on employability, food supply and social support for the older population.
Nile Istephan, chief executive, thanked Dave for the enormous contribution he has made, not only in his time at Eildon but to the whole Scottish housing sector in a stellar career. Dave leaves behind a huge legacy from various roles as a housing professional, academic, policy maker, activist and volunteer. Fond words and sentiments were forwarded from many of his colleagues who have known and worked with him since he started back in 1974.
Dave welcomed his successor Cathie Fancy who takes over his role as chair and Alison Ballantyne who is vice chair.
The Eildon Board for 2022/23 was confirmed as:
- Alison Ballantyne – vice chair
- Ron Beardsley
- Cathie Fancy – chair
- Brian Frater
- Paul Gilbert
- Amanda Harvie
- Catherine Louch
- Allan Lundmark
- Eibhlin McHugh
- Alan Mordue
- Ewen Swinton
- Camilla Younger