Regulator highlights importance of new Annual Assurance Statements

Michael Cameron
New Annual Assurance Statements will help ensure a culture of assurance, openness and transparency, the Scottish Housing Regulator has said.
These annual assurance statements are an important way for social landlords to ensure that they comply with regulatory requirements and legal duties. All social landlords must submit an Annual Assurance Statement to the Scottish Housing Regulator by October 31 this year.
Speaking at Scotland’s Housing Network’s Scrutiny and Value For Money Practice Exchange in Glasgow, the Regulator’s chief executive, Michael Cameron, told delegates that the Statement is a useful way of helping governing body members and committees consider the questions to ask of senior managers.
Michael Cameron said: “The Statements are a way for landlords to assure firstly themselves and then their tenants and service users that they comply with regulatory requirements and are meeting all of their legal duties, including on tenant and resident safety.”
He added: “Perhaps more important than the Statement itself, is the fact that your boards are getting the right levels of assurance in a way that works for them and your organisation. This is all about effective relationships between the governing body and senior staff, characterised by constructive challenge, collaboration and openness. This has never been more important.”
Michael also shared tips on what landlords’ Assurances Statements should include, discussed some of the approaches landlords are taking and highlighted the Frequently Asked Questions available on the Regulator’s website.
Read Michael’s speech in full here.