Paul Motion and Muneeb Gill from BTO explore the implications of a draft order that will designate Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) and RSL subsidiaries as “public authorities” for the purposes of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 from April 2019. Just like buses…
In a new blog for the Institute for Social Policy, Housing, and Equalities Research (I-SPHERE) at Heriot-Watt University, Professor Glen Bramley reflects on the process of recommending a new definition of fuel poverty in Scotland. The Scottish Government recently announced a new consultation on a Fu
Laurie Macfarlane Laurie Macfarlane, the author of a paper which looks at how the public sector could intervene to improve the operation of the land market and increase the supply of land for new housing, discusses his findings.
The latest blog from the Scottish Cities Alliance has focussed on its work with the European Housing Partnership to deliver affordable housing. Scottish Cities Alliance continues to play an important role in the European Housing Partnership (EHP), which met recently over two days at the UN Palais de
Peter Steele recently met with 11 housing associations across Glasgow over the course of a week. Some of the key themes and challenges they face are highlighted in Mobysoft's latest blog. The impact of Universal Credit has been felt by Scottish RSLs (Registered Social Landlords) and other institutio
Ashley Campbell To mark today’s introduction of the new Private Residential Tenancy, Ashley Campbell outlines the ramifications of the new regime.
Jon Sparkes After First Minster Nicola Sturgeon and housing minister Kevin Stewart approved the first recommendations of the Scottish Government’s Homelessness & Rough Sleeping Action Group which will help more people sleeping rough this winter, chair of the Group Jon Sparkes explains more.
Just months into his time as CIH vice president Jim Strang has pledged to continue the efforts of current president Alison Inman to tackle domestic abuse when he becomes president in 2018. In an article originally published on the CIH website, Jim Strang makes it clear that domestic is an issue that
Andrew McFarlane Andrew McFarlane discusses the issue of the housing crisis in Scotland and outlines what action has to be taken to rectify the problem.
Housing minister Kevin Stewart With just over a week before the introduction of a new private residential tenancy in Scotland, housing minister Kevin Stewart explains why the changes will benefit renters.
Queens Cross Housing Association’s chief executive, Shona Stephen, reflects on the links between housing and health. Medical professionals have been making links between the impact housing has on health since Victorian times.
Barratt Homes’ Mill Brae development A home is likely to be the biggest purchase a person will ever make. As such, it’s perfectly understandable that buyers will want every assurance their home is the quality investment they’ve worked so long and hard for.
Rosemary Brotchie Shelter Scotland’s Rosemary Brotchie responds to new statistics which revealed a rise in private sector rents across the country.
Ligia Teixeira In a guest blog for homelessness charity Cyrenians, Dr Ligia Teixeira outlines why Crisis believes that improving outcomes at scale requires a new approach.
To mark Alcohol Awareness Week (November 13-19), Edinburgh homelessness and inclusion charity Cyrenians highlights its work to alleviate the detrimental footprint that the misuse of alcohol leaves across communities. It has been well documented by health and social care professionals, as well as deb