From hairdressers to caterers, performers to podiatrists, dedicated volunteers are needed to help bring Crisis’ temporary centre in Edinburgh for homeless people to life this Christmas.
(from left) John Sinclair, Carolyn Smart and Anne Elder A Dundee bridal boutique has stunned local Shelter Scotland charity bosses with a donation of £15,000 worth of designer wedding dresses.
Crisis is inviting potential employers, businesses and organisations to an event in Edinburgh today to mark World Homelessness Day. The national charity for homeless people, in association with the International Network of Street Papers, is hosting a range of talks, with a key note speech from found
Rev Dr Russell Barr The moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland described homelessness as ‘Scotland’s shame’ when he addressed the autumn event of Scottish Churches Housing Action in Edinburgh this morning.
Angela Constance The Scottish Government has published a landmark plan of fifty bold and ambitious actions to achieve a fairer Scotland, including key actions on housing access, affordability and homelessness.
Far From Fixed campaigners in Edinburgh yesterday Shelter Scotland took its major new Homelessness: Far From Fixed campaign to Edinburgh yesterday to galvanise public and political support to finally fix the human tragedy of homelessness in Scotland.
LGBT Youth Scotland’s Youth Commissioners want to hear from LGBT young people who have experience of homelessness. The group are gathering young people’s stories to help evidence the need for a National Strategy that recognises the role discrimination plays in increasing the risk of homelessness
Homelessness is never a reason to celebrate, but being able to put homelessness behind you most certainly can be. Yesterday the homelessness charity, Simon Community Scotland, marked its 50th anniversary by welcoming both current and former service users to what was described as a 'festival of commu
Rachael Clark By Rachael Clark, service manager for the Shelter Scotland Glasgow Housing Support & Prevent Service
Homeless people in Moray spent a total of 51,560 days in temporary accommodation last year – an increase of more than 3000 days on the previous year. Moray Council’s communities committee were told this week that the council and its homelessness partners currently have more than 150 units of tem
North Lanarkshire charity Home Comforts will welcome representatives of Scottish Churches Housing Action today to see the project’s work with homeless people in the area. Chief executive Alastair Cameron will join board members Carrie Gooch and Liann Weir to meet Home Comforts’ staff and volunte
The good work of two housing associations has been highlighted in Parliamentary motions by MSPs ahead of a debate on housing in the Scottish Parliament today. Renfrewshire South MSP Tom Arthur congratulated Barrhead Housing Association on its 30th anniversary, praising the exceptional work in provid
Young people in Glasgow facing the prospect of sleeping rough on the streets are to be provided an emergency bed for the night in a volunteer’s home rather than in a homelessness hostel. Homeless charity Simon Community Scotland has received funding from the Big Lottery Fund to set up a network of
Alastair Cameron Representatives of Scottish Churches Housing Action (SCHA) met the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland last week to describe how homelessness affects people across Scotland.
Rosemary Brotchie By Rosemary Brotchie, policy and research manager for Shelter Scotland