Mike Dailly Mike Dailly suggests an unequal relationship between tenants and landlords means many of the former are leading lives of misery.
Maggie Chapman The Scottish Greens have welcomed the recommendations made by think tank Common Weal on reforms to tenancies and rent in Scotland's private rented sector.
A new report has outlined comprehensive plans to reduce rents in the private rented sector (PRS) as a crucial part of addressing Scotland's housing crisis. Published today to coincide with the centenary of the Glasgow Rent Strike, which led to the first rent controls being introduced in the UK, the
Maggie Chapman The Scottish Green Party has agreed to campaign for a better deal for private tenants in Scotland.
Jim Eadie MSP The Scottish Parliament’s infrastructure and capital investment committee has issued a call for written evidence as it prepares to scrutinise the Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Bill.
James Battye James Battye at Shelter Scotland says renting in Scotland needs to change.
Annie Mauger Attempts by the Scottish Government to provide “more security, stability and predictability” to tenants renting in the private rented sector (PRS) have been broadly welcomed, though concerns have been raised proposals may harm investment in the sector.
Margaret Burgess The Scottish Government has today published a new bill which aims to give more security, stability and predictability to tenants renting in the private rented sector (PRS).
Thomas Ashdown As the Scottish Government presses ahead with proposals for rent controls and details of the Private Tenancies Bill are expected to be published this week, average rents in the country have started to head south, according to new figures.
John Blackwood Landlords have urged the Scottish Government not to demonise the private rented sector and ensure that new legislation protects tenants’ rights without strangling investment.
The Living Rent Campaign has called on the Scottish Government to take action following “unacceptable” rent increases of more than 8 per cent in a year in Edinburgh. New research from Citylets has shown that average 2-bedroom rents in Edinburgh have increased by 8.5 per cent in one year, up more
By the Living Rent Campaign Perhaps the most important question about reforming or growing the private rented sector is currently not part of the debate: do people actually want to rent from a private landlord? The sector is growing quickly, and the Scottish Government looks set to encourage that gr
Eamonn Hogan One in five UK landlords will be out of business in the next two years due to tax break cuts announced by the government, according to a new study.
Annie Mauger The Chartered Institute of Housing in Scotland has added its voice to growing concerns over the potential impact of the UK government’s 2015 Immigration Bill on migrants living in the private rented sector.
A new report commissioned by the Scottish Government has highlighted an emerging gap between the housing aspirations of younger and older households. Co-authored by the University of St Andrews and the University of Sheffield, ‘Understanding the Housing Aspirations of People in Scotland’ highlig