Kate Webb Adopting a bunker mentality is flawed when credible warnings are stacking up, says Kate Webb.
More than 3,000 new homes were registered in Scotland between July and September, a 50% increase compared with the same period last year, new figures have revealed. The National House-Building Council (NHBC) said a total of 3,056 homes were registered by builders during Q3 this year, up from 2,033 d
More fibre broadband has gone live across the Highlands and Islands thanks to the £428 million Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband roll-out. More than 800,000 premises across Scotland can now receive fibre broadband through the programme, with the technology going live in places like Lairg, Melvic
Elderpark Housing Association is rightly proud of the work we do building new and affordable homes for the people of Govan, however, we are equally proud of the work we do building our community and helping make Govan such a great place to live. What We Do
The UK government has dropped proposals to impose the Local Housing Allowance (LHA) cap to supported housing and the wider social housing sector following widespread criticism of the policy. Due to come into force for social tenants in April 2019, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) proposals
Housing minister Kevin Stewart (left) and Craig Sanderson, chief executive of Link Group Ltd (right) join Abbey Place residents and Councillor Marie McGurk, convener of Renfrewshire Council's communities, housing and planning policy board (black suit). Older people will have greater access to afford
Plans have been submitted for a new energy centre at Queens Quay which developers say could make Clydebank become the “greenest town in Scotland”. The proposed facility for the District Heat Network will form part of the first phase of development at the £250 million regeneration project on the
Scottish not-for-profit energy supplier Our Power has launched a Social Purpose Bond which it says will allow it to increase its market share and deliver its social impact. The Edinburgh-based company has secured £10 million to date in debt finance and is bringing a three-year, unsecured bond via t
Ben Wray After Homes for Scotland moved to clarify claims it was “anti social housing” for calling for a wider focus on housebuilding in Scotland, Ben Wray from think-tank Common Weal provides his own reaction.
An independent review into reducing costs in each element of the electricity supply chain has been published by the UK government. Building on the government’s Industrial Strategy Green Paper, Professor Dieter Helm CBE was asked in August to consider the whole electricity supply chain of generatio
Scotland’s rural and island communities face unique housing challenges – so how can we ensure that we sustain these areas for future generations? Making sure rural and island areas receive a fair share of available funding for new affordable homes is a key theme for the Scottish Rural and Island
A few days ago the Scottish Government blogged about how the changes coming to private renting legislation will benefit people renting privately in Scotland; here it outlines what is in store for landlords. From December 1, every new private tenancy will be a private residential tenancy. We told you
Douglas McLeod Barratt Developments Scotland has acquired ten new sites to allow for the development of 1,400 new homes, with plans in the pipeline to increase capacity by a further 1,830 new homes by the end of the year.
East Lothian churches have supported a call to help homeless people in the county during a meeting in Musselburgh this week. Around 40 people from all parts of the region agreed a plan to set up a starter pack project to provide basic household essentials to people as they settle in the community fo
The Scottish Association of Landlords (SAL) will be holding an information event for landlords in Dundee and Angus to understand their new responsibilities when a new tenancy agreement for the Private Rented Sector (PRS) comes in to force in December. The changes to the private sector tenancy will a