Roseanna Cunningham The Scottish Government has launched a consultation on proposals for a register showing who controls Scotland's land.
A Holyrood committee examining legislation to reform Council Tax in Scotland is seeking the views of people across Scotland on the proposed changes. The Scottish Government published its proposals for reform of the Council Tax in March 2016. These proposals came after the publication of the report o
Jeane Freeman There are six weeks left for people across Scotland to have their say on how Scotland’s new social security system should be shaped.
Stuart Bowler and his mum Alison outside his new home bought through the Help to Buy (Scotland) scheme The Scottish Government’s Help to Buy scheme has reached another milestone with the latest phase enabling more than 30 households a week to purchase a new build home.
Families, politicians, Maryhill Housing staff and local police officers pay a visit to the allotments New “pop-up allotments” are proving a huge hit with people in Glasgow’s Ruchill following an initiative led by Maryhill Housing.
Clune Park River Clyde Homes said it will “stand shoulder-to-shoulder” with Inverclyde Council in its efforts to regenerate a rundown Port Glasgow housing estate after a judge ruled against the council’s demolition plans.
Plans have been submitted to build more than 1,300 homes on greenbelt land separating Edinburgh from Musselburgh. Developer EDI Group, an arms-length company of the City of Edinburgh Council, has lodged an application for Planning Permission in Principle to construct 1,330 houses, a school and leisu
A charity that runs a watersports centre for children has lost a £135,000 VAT case to HM Revenue & Customs in a decision that could have significant implications for the rest of the charity sector. The charity built a new commercial property and incurred VAT on the construction costs. It believ
Eildon Housing Association chairman Trevor Burrows marked the Association’s progress and set out ambitious growth plans for the next few years at the Group’s 43rd AGM this week. Informing members of the Group’s achievements over the previous year, Mr Burrows also highlighted the overall financ
CCG Asset Management will undertake the second phase of Cernach Housing Association’s kitchen upgrade programme this month. The work will see 40 tenants benefit from a brand new kitchen with a choice of fixtures and fittings to suit their existing household.
Rosemary Brotchie By Rosemary Brotchie, policy and research manager for Shelter Scotland
Glasgow residents are being given a final chance to see inside the old Victoria Infirmary thanks to its new owners Sanctuary Group. Sanctuary is offering 200 people a short tour of the former hospital site on Sunday 18 September.
Rev Dr Russell Barr The moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland and minister for local government and housing Kevin Stewart MSP will both address the autumn event of Scottish Churches Housing Action in Edinburgh on Friday 7 October.
Clackmannanshire Council has welcomed new figures which show that its tenants are more satisfied with the overall service they receive than tenants of any other local authority in Scotland. Statistics released by the Scottish Housing Regulator found that more than nine out of ten tenants randomly sa
The stylish new centre as it will look when completed A new youth and community centre costing just short of a million pounds is coming to Castlemilk after a campaign led by Thenue Housing.