A plan for 295 houses on the edge of Inverkeithing has been rejected by Fife Council’s west planning committee. Councillors were said to have agreed the Taylor Wimpey development at Spencerfield would have created apparent coalescence between the town and Dalgety Bay.
Mike Quinton More retirement homes were registered to be built in the UK in the first six months of this year than the whole of the previous year, according to new figures released by NHBC.
Mandy Haeburn-Little Landlords and letting agents are being urged to watch out for trafficked tenants.
Fanchea Kelly Bosses of an ambitious housing and care provider have toured the country to roll out its new £17 million business strategy to 400 staff across Scotland.
Craig Sanderson (left) and Cllr Williams Link Group Ltd has begun the £4 million development of 38 ‘independent retirement living’ flats at Cotton Street, Paisley which will be available by August 2016.
Work has started on Angus Council’s £4.7 million scheme to convert a former primary school in Forfar into affordable housing. Local contractors Andrew Shepherd Construction Limited moved on to the site last week to begin the first phase of the project which will eventually provide 25 flats and fo
Despite the introduction of some of the most progressive homelessness legislation in the world, less than half of single homeless people in Scotland are found accommodation when they ask for help, according to a new report by homelessness charity Crisis. The findings, from Single homelessness in Sco
Christine Macleod A new report published by the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) has highlighted how an RSL successfully took action to address risks to strengthen its governance.
The Living Rent Campaign will today hand in a petition calling for the re-introduction of rent controls and an end to unjust evictions to the minister for housing and welfare, Margaret Burgess. The petition, which has gathered 8,000 signatures from people all across Scotland since its launch in June
L to R – Hanover board member Derek Fothergrill, chief executive Helen Murdoch and John Scott MSP John Scott MSP helped cut the first sod at a new development which will provide 28 high quality amenity and general needs homes for rent in Ayr.
Clive Betts MP The UK Parliament’s communities and local government (CLG) committee has announced an inquiry into the viability and sustainability of housing associations in England.
Bield has announced the appointment of Graeme Russell as its new interim director of housing services. Mr Russell was previously director of housing at Dunedin Canmore Housing Association where he worked for more than 30 years before stepping down in April.
Heather Pearson Last week’s media coverage of rising house costs and predictions of a growing private rental sector has again brought the issue of Scotland’s housing needs into focus. But while public perception traditionally favours home ownership, a stronger private rental sector will benefit
Alex Johnstone Housebuilders should adopted a voluntary code to end “rabbit hutch housing”, according to the Scottish Conservatives.
The young people on the Action for Children project prepare for the community challenge Maryhill Housing Association is doing its bit to help young people work towards a bright future.