The Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) Scotland’s annual conference and exhibition, which takes place on 1-2 March in Edinburgh, will focus on welfare reform, politics, wellbeing and innovation. Speakers include Alex Neil MSP, the Scottish Government cabinet secretary for social justice, communi
Cih Scotland
Margaret Burgess Subsidy levels for affordable homes for rent being delivered by councils and registered social landlords (RSLs) are to increase up to £14,000 for each new home over the next three years, the Scottish Government has announced.
The number of children in temporary accommodation in Scotland has increased since last year but the number of people assessed as homeless has fallen, new figures have revealed. According to quarterly data from the Scottish Government, there are now 4,923 children in temporary accommodation - an incr
Annie Mauger Annie Mauger, executive director for the devolved nations and Republic of Ireland, explains what the organisation’s structural changes mean for members in Scotland.
John Swinney The Scottish Government has announced a year-year increase of £90 million to its affordable housing budget to help it achieve its target of delivering 50,000 affordable homes during the next parliament.
The Scottish Government’s draft budget must show significant investment in energy efficiency as a National Infrastructure Priority to end the scourge of cold, leaky homes, according to a number of organisations. The call by CPAG Scotland, RCN Scotland, SCDI and the Existing Homes Alliance follows
(from left) Lord Kirkwood of Kirkhope, Eilidh Whiteford MP and Keith Anderson, chair of CIH Scotland Scottish parliamentarians from the House of Commons and House of Lords joined representatives from the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) Scotland for a special Scottish housing reception at the Pa
Margaret Burgess The Scottish Government has surpassed its target of delivering 30,000 affordable homes in this parliamentary term thanks to a 10 per cent increase in the number of social sector homes completed in the past year, new figures have revealed.
River Clyde Homes, the Inverclyde-based housing association, and its Customer Senate have won the Excellence in Customer Scrutiny Award at the CIH Scotland 2015 Excellence Awards.
CIH Scotland Excellence Awards at the Assembly Rooms in Edinburgh. Compered by Radio Forth’s Arlene Stuart, the awards celebrated achievements across the housing world and particularly focused on young people.
Annie Mauger, director of CIH Scotland The Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) has reiterated its welcome for targeted rent controls in the wake of the latest private renting statistics published by the Scottish Government today.
NEW Leadership and Diversity Conference 9 December 2015, CIH Scotland Office, Edinburgh
Nicola Sturgeon First minister Nicola Sturgeon has made an early election commitment to embark on a £3 billion programme to build 50,000 new affordable homes in Scotland if the SNP were to win a third term next May.
Annie Mauger Attempts by the Scottish Government to provide “more security, stability and predictability” to tenants renting in the private rented sector (PRS) have been broadly welcomed, though concerns have been raised proposals may harm investment in the sector.
Andrew Saunders, chief executive of Ore Valley HA presenting the trophy to the winning team from Rutherglen & Cambuslang HA made up of Stuart Freeland, Jim Kerr, Ronnie Cunningham & Charles Freeland This year’s CIH Scotland charity golf tournament, hosted by 2014 winners Ore Valley Housing