East Lothian Council

91-105 of 188 Articles
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In accordance with East Lothian Council’s approved budget development framework, a draft budget proposal for 2021/22 has been presented by the ruling administration to the council's cabinet. At this point in time the expected grant settlement to the council from central government, which provi

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A year after East Lothian Council’s Climate Change Strategy 2020-2025 was launched, the first annual update was noted and approved at this week's cabinet meeting. The Climate Change Strategy sets out East Lothian Council’s commitment to tackling the Climate Emergency at a local level and

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In a report published this week, which details East Lothian Council’s progress in reducing its corporate carbon footprint, a reduction in the council’s carbon footprint of 2.5% to 14,630 tCO2e (tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent) was achieved in 2019/20, down from 15,007 tCO2e in 2018/1

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East Lothian Council colleagues were delighted to be part of this year’s East Lothian Tenants and Residents Panel (ELTRP) awards ceremony which, of course, had to be done a little differently. Instead of a traditional event, guests gathered on Zoom to hear about the achievements of the panel,

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The first appointments have been made to East Lothian Council’s new chief officer structure. Delivering a recurring saving of £28,000 per annum, the new structure is designed to ensure that the council has the leadership capacity to deliver on local priorities and develop increasingly ef

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East Lothian Council has agreed to publish the fifth Tenant Participation Strategy, a national legal requirement which sets out how the council, as a landlord, will engage with its tenants. The strategy ensures a two-way flow of information between tenants and the council. It sets out what informati

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East Lothian Council has today launched a new project which will offer affordable, sustainable and fair energy for all residents as part of a joint commitment to help eradicate fuel poverty. Powered by People’s Energy, the UK’s only community interest company energy supplier,&n

91-105 of 188 Articles