The owners of thousands of empty homes across Glasgow are being urged to sell or rent out their properties to help combat the city’s housing emergency.
Empty Homes
The nominations deadline for the 2025 Scottish Empty Homes Awards has been extended to midday on Friday 31st January.
Scottish Borders Council’s Executive Committee will consider changes to Council Tax charges on empty homes to encourage owners to bring them into use quicker amid the ongoing housing emergency.
The Scottish Greens have called for the Scottish Government to "make good on its promise" for new powers to bring thousands of empty homes back into use. The party's housing spokesperson Ariane Burgess said she had secured a commitment from ministers last year to strengthen enforcement powers and re
Falkirk Council's Building Maintenance Division (BMD) has responded quicker to repairs and reduced backlogs for upgrades and adaptations in the past year.
Organisations that have taken an empty property and brought it back into use are being encouraged to enter next year's Scottish Empty Homes Awards.
A series of major policy documents aimed at protecting and enhancing public housing in Dundee are set to be discussed by councillors.
North Ayrshire Council is making significant progress on its Council Plan priorities including surpassing its empty home and new build housing targets.
An innovative project that will help bring empty homes back to use has been unveiled in Dundee.
The Scottish Housing Regulator has today published an early analysis of the data for 2023/24 that all social landlords submit to it on empty homes and lettings and that Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) submit on their plans to build new homes. The report has found that the rate at which RSLs
Thousands of empty houses have cost Angus Council more than £4 million in rent in the past five years, according to new figures.
Almost 11,000 long-term empty homes have been brought back into use in Scotland since the Scottish Empty Homes Partnership (SEHP) was established in 2010, a new report published today has revealed. In its latest impact report, the SEHP reported that empty homes officers helped owners to bring 1,875
The Scottish Empty Homes Partnership has welcomed Tahmina Nizam as its new national manager. The partnership is funded by the Scottish Government and hosted by Shelter Scotland with the aim of bringing empty homes back into use as affordable housing where possible.
Glasgow City Council has brought back 1,710 homes into productive use in the city since its Empty Homes Strategy (EHS) came into force in April 2019.
The Scottish Empty Homes Partnership will receive £423,000 of funding to continue its work of increasing the supply of homes by bringing empty properties back into use in 2024-25. The Partnership works with local authorities and private homeowners to provide advice and support to help bring em