Kristen Hubert and Shelter Scotland's Graeme Brown during the launch of a national empty homes helpline A new partnership has been launched to tackle the problem of Glasgow’s empty homes.
Empty Homes
By Scottish Empty Homes Partnership national manager Kristen Hubert (Last week) we released our recommendations about what financial incentive programmes we think are needed to unlock more of Scotland’s 27,000+ long term private sector empty homes.
The Scottish Empty Homes Partnership (SEHP) has proposed the creation of a community grants programme to help bring Scotland’s thousands of private empty homes back into use. The partnership, which is funded by the Scottish Government and hosted by Shelter Scotland, says that an Empty Homes Commun
Isobel Butt, Perth & Kinross Council's vacant property development officer, has been recognised for her work to bring both residential and commercial empty properties back into use. A collaboration with colleagues from the environment service and housing & community care service saw Isobel a
Alex Neil A £4 million fund to transform abandoned and empty town centre properties will help create 87 new affordable homes.
Catriona Arbuckle, empty homes officer from North Lanarkshire Council accepts the award from (left) George Clarke, TV architect and Phil Hanson, from Howdens’ Joinery North Lanarkshire Council’s Empty Homes Purchase Scheme has scooped the title of ‘The Howdens Scottish Empty Homes Champion of
Argyll and Bute Council’s Empty Homes Service has scooped a top award at this year’s prestigious Howdens Scottish Empty Homes Conference in Edinburgh for the second year in a row. The team won the category of 'Best Before and After Photo' for images of an empty property brought back into use, an
Patrick Harvie Patrick Harvie, MSP and co-convenor of the Scottish Greens, has called on the Scottish Government and local authorities to use all their powers to ease Scotland's housing and homelessness crises by putting empty properties back in use.
Perth & Kinross Council has this week officially launched its Empty Property Loan Fund - a new interest-free loan designed to help owners of long-term empty buildings to repair or convert them for use as affordable housing. Funding can be used for any property from a country cottage or a city ce
Graeme Brown The potential value of Scotland’s empty homes is a staggering £4.3 billion, according to the organisation tasked with bringing them back into use.
Cllr Martin Kitts-Hayes Owners of empty properties in Aberdeenshire are to be given up to a year before an additional council tax fee is applied, as part of an effort to bring homes back into use more quickly.
The Nationwide Foundation is launching a new £1 million funding programme to bring long-term empty properties back into use as homes for people in housing need. Not-for-profit organisations can apply for grants and social investments of between £100,000 and £175,000.
George Clarke Nominations are being sought across Scotland to find the country’s empty homes champions.
Owners of empty homes in West Dunbartonshire could be eligible for refunds after councillors approved backdated changes to Council Tax charges. In April 2014, West Dunbartonshire Council was keen to get local empty homes back into use and introduced a policy which meant owners of empty homes could b
The Scottish Empty Homes Partnership recently released its annual report for the financial year just passed. There are a few headlines form the report that we are particularly excited about, writes Kristen Hubert at Shelter Scotland. These are all great successes that show improvements on where we w