A former empty home in Bellshill A scheme to tackle the scourge of empty homes across North Lanarkshire is continuing to go from strength to strength.
Empty Homes
This Campbeltown renovation won last year's Outstanding Project Award Nominations are being sought to recognise the people working to bring Scotland’s 34,000 privately-owned long-term empty homes back into use.
The Scottish Government has pledged to establish an expert group together with a £50 million fund with the aim of eradicating homelessness for good. Announced by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon as she delivered her Programme for Government for 2017/18 to the Scottish Parliament on Tuesday, the ‘En
The development St. Stephen's School in Blairgowrie Carling Property Group (CPG) has become the first private developer in the country to receive affordable housing grant aid from the Scottish Government.
Orkney Islands Council has become the first Scottish island authority to appoint an empty homes officer. The officer will work with North Ronaldsay Trust to bring empty homes back into use with the hope the project could be a model for other communities.
Gavin Leask visits Orkney to see why the islands have amongst the highest rate of empty homes anywhere in Scotland. Last week I spent three days up in the Orkney Islands, training the newest member of the Scottish Empty Homes Network, Rachael Bowes. Her post is part funded by the Scottish Government
A previously empty home in North Lanarkshire Too many Scottish councils are missing out on gains available from bringing long-term empty homes back into use by failing to invest in the appropriate resources, according to the body leading the work in Scotland.
Castle Rock Edinvar MD Richard Jennings, Tenant Nick Martin at his home at Darag, Bogwood Road, Mayfield, Dalkeith and Cabinet Member for Housing and Customer Services Councillor Stephen Curran. An empty Midlothian property, dubbed an eyesore by locals, has been transformed into quality affordable h
Shared services empty homes officer, Barry Sheridan (third from left), receiving a Special Award at last year’s Scottish Empty Homes Champion of the Year Awards on behalf of the Glasgow Empty Homes Shared Service Project Empty homes work in Glasgow has unlocked £1 million in VAT savings and boost
The award-winning renovation at 50-52 Main Street An Argyll and Bute Council project to save a semi-derelict and vacant tenement building in Campbeltown town centre from demolition and bring it back to life has won two awards in the National Empty Homes Awards 2017.
More than 50 properties have been transformed thanks to help from South Ayrshire Council's Empty Homes programme Owners of unoccupied homes in South Ayrshire are being urged to consider selling them on to help free-up properties for people struggling to find accommodation.
An initiative to bring long-term vacant properties back into use in North Ayrshire has landed its first success. North Ayrshire Council bought an empty property which was in need of major repairs as part of the Empty Homes Buy Back Scheme.
Empty homes officer Sean Maxwell at one of the properties being transformed Angus Council and the Scottish Empty Homes Partnership are aiming to encourage owners of long-term empty properties to transform them into homes that people would want to live in.
Frances Snee, empty homes adviser at Shelter Scotland, visits Argyll to see the successful completion of an empty home renovation. I was lucky enough to go on a day trip across the water to Dunoon the other week. I’d been invited by Argyll and Bute’s Empty Homes Officer Kelly Ferns. Kelly was in
The award-winning renovation at 50-52 Main Street The project to bring a vacant B-listed 18th century tenement on Campbeltown’s Main Street back to life has won a prestigious national award.