Wheatley Homes Glasgow is taking part in a Glasgow City Council programme aimed at reducing overcrowding and freeing up social housing for families on extended waiting lists.
Glasgow City Council
The owners of thousands of empty homes across Glasgow are being urged to sell or rent out their properties to help combat the city’s housing emergency.
A Housing Emergency Action Plan has been published in response to the unprecedented challenges facing Glasgow's homelessness service and the declaration of a housing emergency in the city.
A retrofit summit in Glasgow a month from now will look at the work taking place to retrofit homes at individual, community and at-scale levels, with an emphasis on the needs, perspectives and objectives of local projects in Glasgow and the city-region and current themes, policies and practices in
A major community-led project has been completed in Castlemilk Park following significant funding from Scotland’s walking charity, Paths for All, as part of a dedicated active travel fund.
The roll-out of 500 new on-street cycle storage units in Glasgow will begin early this year after the confirmation of a contract with cycle storage provider Cyclehoop.
Glasgow City Council has approved the off-market disposal of land at four sites in the city to allow the building of new homes, the creation of a dementia-friendly residential development, the expansion of a city business and the generation of public funds.
Tenants' union Living Rent presented a deputation to Glasgow City Council’s Economy, Housing, Transport and Regeneration City Policy Committee yesterday to call on the local authority to implement the NPF4 and enforce a minimum of 25% affordable housing in all new housing developments.
A community in the southside of Glasgow is clean and green thanks to a nursery school, Glasgow City Council and Wheatley Homes Glasgow.
A five-year plan to help address Glasgow’s housing emergency has been agreed by the local authority.
Bellway Homes is to build up to 57 homes on the site of the former Howford Primary School and Schoolhouse in Glasgow after the council agreed to dispose of the land.
A pilot project to assess the effectiveness of electric wallpaper as a clean heat source for tenement properties in Glasgow has been granted new funding. Dr Ahmad Taha from the University of Glasgow and Dr Alejandro Moreno-Rangel from the University of Strathclyde are working with West of Scotland H
Residents of four Glasgow neighbourhoods have identified projects that could maximise the social, economic and environmental benefits of where they live.
Mac Mic Group has received planning permission for a new build-to-rent (BTR) development in Anniesland, subject to Section 75 Agreement.
An update on the delivery of Glasgow's Affordable Housing Supply Programme (AHSP) was given to a council committee yesterday.