Ann McMaster Property management firm Ross and Liddell has urged private landlords to be aware of their responsibilities on electrical safety inspection.
Experts from South Ayrshire Council were on hand to guide more than 80 private landlords through a number of information workshops recently. With the assistance of colleagues from East Ayrshire and North Ayrshire Councils, landlords from across Ayrshire learned about their obligations and there were
Average rents in Scotland’s private rented sector fell in the final quarter of 2016 by 0.9 per cent on the year to stand at £739 per month, according to new figures. Citylets reports that the vast majority of the national reduction can be attributed to Aberdeen where average rents fell by 15.4 pe
House prices in Scotland continued to go up last month with further increases expected over the next three months, surveyors have reported. The December Residential Market Survey by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) found that 32 per cent more chartered surveyors reporting a rise r
James Battye Shelter Scotland has raised concerns that thousands of private landlords may be operating without full knowledge of their legal responsibilities.
Bruce Forbes Angus Housing Association director, Bruce Forbes, has accused a Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) spokesperson of “peddling lies and deliberately misleading the public” to justify the Westminster government’s “brutal” cuts to welfare.
Laura Fairlie is a Private Landlord Support Officer, working for Shelter Scotland within Dundee City Council A project which provides support to private landlords in Dundee is having a positive impact in its first year of operation, councillors will hear next week.
Plans have been revealed to build almost 1,200 private flats and student rooms on land that once housed a Glasgow department store. Proposals have been lodged to develop the site of the former Goldberg’s department store, which has been left largely derelict since the closure of the store in 1990
Pauline McNeill MSP New figures which reveal that private landlords in Scotland have made billions of pounds from housing benefit claimants in five years have led to calls for reform in the sector by Scottish Labour.
The opening of the new premises Weslo Property Management (WPM), the private rented arm of Weslo Housing Management, formally took up residence in its new offices at 133a Glasgow Road in Bathgate this week.
Richard Slipper Richard Slipper from GVA on what the Scottish Government can do to address the nation’s housing shortage ahead of today’s Budget.
Laura Fairlie By Shelter Scotland private landlord support officer Laura Fairlie
John Blackwood Action to ban nine private landlords from renting properties in Glasgow has been welcomed by the Scottish Association of Landlords.
A GLC solicitor and caseworker with a client Govan Law Centre (GLC) has welcomed the news that the Big Lottery Fund’s Investing in Communities Programme is providing a grant over three years to establish its Private Rented Tenants Project.
Nine rogue landlords have been barred from renting properties in Glasgow after failing to meet legal obligations. Glasgow City Council's licensing and regulatory committee found that the men, six of whom owned flats in the Govanhill area, were unfit to rent out property after all landlords failed to