First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said she was “horrified” to read reports of landlords offering rent-free accommodation in return for sex and has moved to reassure tenants that action was being taken. Last week The Herald revealed that websites such as Craigslist featured adverts from private land
Alison Thewliss MP An MP is demanding advertisers and websites take action to prevent private landlords in Scotland targeting vulnerable women by offering free rent in return for sex.
Scotland’s largest landlord membership organisation has urged landlords across the country to ensure all repairs or upgrades meet required standards and are carried out by accredited professionals, whilst also calling for more to be done to enforce those standards to ensure properties are safe for
Bruce Forbes Angus Housing Association director, Bruce Forbes, has likened some properties in Dundee to slums and claimed many homes will not meet new Scottish Government standards.
Victoria Nixon Staff at tenancy deposit scheme SafeDeposits Scotland have tracked down their biggest ever ‘missing’ tenant, who took more than a year to claim back a deposit of £5,250.
New proposals to ensure all privately rented homes in Scotland meet a minimum standard of energy efficiency have been published today for consultation. The consultation seeks views on requiring all private rented sector properties to have a minimum Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of ‘E
A report detailing the scale of the problem with “short-term lets” in Scotland’s capital has been published by a Green MSP. The publication by Andy Wightman MSP, the Scottish Greens’ housing spokesperson, shows there are more than 6200 properties available in Edinburgh for short term letting
Gerry More Housing specialist Gerry More has been appointed as managing director of Stewart Milne Homes to drive growth in the central belt.
A convicted child sex offender who tried to apply for a landlord's permit from behind bars is among four men to be banned from renting homes by Glasgow City Council. Muhammed Anwar had been convicted and jailed for six years for three offences in relation to child sexual abuse, having previously bee
With 14% of all households in Scotland now calling the private rented sector home compared with just 5% back in 1999, more people than ever are looking to the private rented sector for long-term housing solutions either through choice or necessity. This growth has led to a more diverse tenant base a
Proposals for a £105 million transformation of the former Strathclyde Police HQ in Glasgow's city centre into homes built specifically for private rent have been unveiled to the public. Moda Living, the developer behind a 525-home project in Edinburgh city centre, staged an initial consultation out
David Cowans, Places for People’s group chief executive Places for People (PfP) has become the first housing association to establish a distinct fund management capability with the launch of its new PfP Capital business.
John Blackwood Scotland’s largest membership organisation for landlords has strongly criticised UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, Phillip Hammond MP, for not reversing tax changes which will result in a reduced supply of affordable housing in Scotland.
The UK’s most vulnerable tenants are being pushed out of the private rental market, the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) has warned. New figures from its latest Residential Market Survey show that around one-third of respondents believe that access to private rented properties had f
One in four private tenants has deductions taken from their deposit when they leave the property but almost all successfully claim the cash back, according to a new study which also found variations in tenant behaviour across Scotland. The first annual survey of the money deducted by landlords from