Scottish Property Federation

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David Melhuish A seasonal upturn in property market activity has delivered a £57 million boost to Scottish Government revenues, generating the third highest monthly return since the Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT) was introduced.

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The average decision times for planning applications in Scotland have recorded their quickest annual figures since records began. Local developments, which include applications for changes to individual houses and smaller developments for new housing, were decided within 9 weeks on average in 2017/1

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A Bill for an Act of the Scottish Parliament to make provision about how land is developed and used has been introduced by cabinet secretary for communities, social security and equalities, Angela Constance MSP. The eagerly awaited Planning (Scotland) Bill follows a wide-ranging consultation earlier

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Champions League finalists Hudson and Morrison Construction Companies from the Construction, Housing & Property sector in and around Edinburgh met at the sixth qualifying heat of national business five-a-side tournament Business Fives summer season as they raised £2,651 for various charities.

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David Melhuish The returns for the Scottish Government’s Land and Building Transaction Tax (LBTT) returns in February 2017 generated the lowest LBTT revenue of any other month in 2016/17, official figures have shown.

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After the success of Business Fives, Scotland’s national business five-a-side tournament, the Scottish Property Federation (SPF) is now backing Scotland’s first ever national business golf tournament. Business Fours gives professionals the opportunity network with peers in their industry through

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Keenly-awaited proposals for transforming the planning system have been positively received by the country’s home builders. Yesterday the Scottish Government set out 20 proposals for revamping the system, which it said will support economic growth, delivery of houses and increase community involve

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The Scottish Government has today opened a consultation on proposals to increase fees and resources for major planning applications. The consultation paper seeks views on a new fee maximum of £125,000 for major applications for most categories of development (£62,500 for applications for planning

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