Volunteer Iain Beaton with one of the largest prints donated to Shelter Staff and volunteers at an Inverness charity shop were left stunned after an art haul worth an estimated £2000 was gifted by a local care home.
Shelter Scotland
Scotland's local authorities have been urged to be more pro-active in tackling the problem of empty homes after a new survey revealed that 75 per cent of Scots think vacant properties are a direct cause of anti-social behaviour. The YouGov survey for the Scottish Empty Homes Partnership (SEHP) found
Community Intern, with Shelter Scotland, Chidem Enkeshafi writes about his time with the charity examining private renting in Scotland and the common issues surrounding private renting in Scotland. Hi, my name is Chidem Enkeshafi and I’ve just started my Community Internship at Shelter Scotland G
Shelter Scotland deputy director, Alison Watson, with comedian Damian Kingsley A comedian has travelled over 600 miles without a penny to his name to raise money for charity.
By Conrad Rossouw, digital manager for Shelter Scotland Calling all coders, designers, and housing professionals! Shelter Scotland needs you to help us solve Scotland’s housing crisis. We’re getting together on the 28th of July for a weekend of brainstorming and collaboration to devise digital s
Pete Jew with his award An Edinburgh man who helped to raise hundreds of thousands of pounds for homeless and badly housed people in Scotland has been named the UK’s top charity shop worker.
Emma Dore By Emma Dore, senior policy officer at Shelter Scotland
Bryan Powell By Bryan Powell, private landlord support officer at Shelter Scotland
James Battye By James Battye, policy officer with Shelter Scotland
An empty property in Alyth that had been unoccupied for over six years The value of long-term private empty homes brought back into use across Scotland in the last year exceeded £110 million, according to a new report.
Shelter Scotland shop manager Charlene Ritchie with a pair of dirty pants which were donated to the shop A full dominatrix set, a china doll with a lock of human hair glued under its clothes, a mummified cat, loose teeth with the roots still attached and 40 life-sized plastic pigeons are just some o
James Battye There is fear that the UK government’s latest round of immigration reforms could increase discrimination against some people wanting to rent privately and ride roughshod over Scottish housing law.
More than one million 18-44 year-olds in Scotland say housing problems are forcing them to stall life milestones such as a career, children and retirement, according to new research issued today. The research was part of a UK-wide study by Shelter, Shelter Scotland and YouGov which revealed how Brit
Paul Stewart Paul Stewart blogs about his experiences volunteering on Shelter Scotland’s Digital Advice Team.
Adam Lang New Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP) statistics from the Scottish Government reveal the “shocking scale” of people struggling to pay housing costs, according to Shelter Scotland.