
286-300 of 1499 Articles
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Housing lawyer Derek Hogg discusses Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) matters and their impact on social housing. Scottish housing associations can hardly have failed to notice the increasing level of debate within the sector in recent times around the themes of sustainability and ESG

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DM Hall property expert Calum Allmond believes it's time for a fresh look at the many ways an Energy Performance Certificate can be beneficial to property owners. In the same way that Home Reports have become an accepted part of the residential property market so have Energy Performance Certificates

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Alan McIntosh, managing director of Advice Talks Ltd, which operates the website, is calling on money advisers to think differently about the energy debt crisis. As we all sit on a precipice waiting to find out how much the energy price cap will rise in October, and whether th

Clock icon 12 minutes

Launching our new monthly feature of Housing Champion interviews, Jimmy Black profiles Kirsty Wells, director of consultancy and partnership at Housemark and the newly appointed chair of WISH Scotland. Kirsty Wells began plunging into the chilly waters of reservoirs and the North Sea during COV

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In a guest blog for the UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE), Pedro Cameron from Housing Options Scotland highlights the link between homelessness and inequality, and explains why it’s crucial for local authorities to embed Inclusion, Diversity, Equality and Accessibility (IDEA

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Chris McGinn at PfH Scotland gives an overview of the new domestic retrofit standard, PAS 2035, and provides advice for housing associations and local authorities on how to prepare for and cope with the changes. Last year a new domestic retrofit standard was introduced to Scotland and acro

286-300 of 1499 Articles