Leading economists have today backed calls for greater investment in energy efficiency in Scotland, calling it one of the best ways to drive up economic activity and tackle cold homes. The economists from the London School of Economics and the University of Strathclyde said that energy efficiency pr
Fuel Poverty
After First Minister Nicola Sturgeon set out the Scottish Government’s Programme for Government to MSPs at Holyrood yesterday, Scottish Housing News highlights the details of interest to housing associations and the wider sector. House building
Alan Ferguson The Scottish Government’s priority for warm homes has “lit up” the Programme for Government and been welcomed across the sector.
Lang Banks A commitment to ensure everyone in Scotland lives in a warm home and action to address fuel poverty should be priorities for the Scottish Government, campaigners said today.
Campaigners are marking three months to Scotland’s fuel poverty deadline by calling for a three point plan to improve the energy efficiency of the nation’s cold and leaky homes. Members of the Existing Homes Alliance have urged the Scottish Government to redouble efforts by introducing new inves
Teresa Bray To coincide with the announcement of Scotland’s Energy Efficiency Programme pilots, which is expected any day now, Changeworks is developing a series of insight papers to inform the debate on how to best deliver the programme.
Michael Hui Kingdom Housing Association has appointed Michael Hui as its new energy advice officer to help families cut their power bills.
Jenny Laing Councillors in Aberdeen have agreed to progress plans for an arms-length external organisation (ALEO) to manage all the local authority’s energy-related activity.
More than £25 million has been spent on energy efficiency measures in Dundee homes in the past three years with another £3m in the pipeline. The figures are revealed in reports set to go before councillors next week which detail progress towards the city’s drive to provide warm, high quality, af
GHA is to hold a series of community events to share information on an innovative £4.3 million district heating scheme in the south side of Glasgow. The new energy centre in Hillpark Drive Pollokshaws, will provide 350 homes with heating and hot water and save hundreds of GHA tenants money on their
Sean McLaughlin By Sean McLaughlin, managing director of Matilda’s Planet
Nearly one third of over-60s living in the UK have to make major sacrifices in the face of rising costs for heating, food and luxuries, new research has found. A study conducted by retirement property website Homewise revealed that around 12 per cent of over-60s say they cannot afford to heat their
A “fuel bank” which offers pre-pay meter vouchers to those struggling to afford to light and heat their homes has opened in Glasgow. The initiative, which gives people who are suffering from food poverty pre-payment meter vouchers for gas or electricity, is available at Glasgow South East Foodba
Measures by Ofgem to deliver a more competitive and fairer energy market are “a step in the right direction” towards helping poorest consumers but more needs to be done to help people in fuel poverty, Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) has said. Yesterday the energy regulator said four million pre-p
Tenants of Grampian Housing Association are being given the opportunity to make free electricity while the sun shines. An initiative, in partnership with Edison Energy, has seen solar panels installed on more than 400 of the Association’s houses in areas of Aberdeen city and throughout Aberdeenshi