Social enterprises and good causes from across Stirling and beyond are being given the chance to boost their progress towards net zero ambitions, hearing from experts and meeting with potential funders as part of an in-person event hosted by Social Investment Scotland (SIS) later this week. Se
Eildon Housing Association has received an £18.7 million funding injection from Royal Bank of Scotland to build new homes in the Scottish Borders.
Cala Homes (West) has submitted a planning application to Falkirk Council to create a new neighbourhood in Bo’ness.
The owner of Dunnottar Castle has been told that his plans for a new £3.5 million visitor centre cannot be supported by planners.
The Housing Ombudsman has ordered Sage Homes to conduct an independent review which found failings in Sage Home’s approach to addressing vulnerabilities and safeguarding concerns. The review followed an Ombudsman investigation that found the landlord failed to adequately address a residents&rs
Aberdeenshire Council has approved plans for a 900-home development to be built on the outskirts of Inverurie.
Works are set to get underway to create a new activity and community space within Ferguslie Park. Bringing an area of long-term vacant land the size of a football pitch back into use, the project will create a new games area for the local community at Bankfoot Road.
The views of key stakeholders including accommodation providers are to be sought after councillors agreed to investigate the potential implementation of an Aberdeenshire Visitor Levy. With Edinburgh now having started the levy process and many other authorities also now consulting, there was c
North Lanarkshire Council is seeking views on places throughout the region, such as homes, recreation, access, transport, employment, and services. This will help the council prepare its next Local Development Plan, which will decide where things like homes, shops, businesses and amenities are built
Scotland’s cities must be at the heart of economic success as “great places to live, work and invest”, minister for employment and investment Tom Arthur will tell a group of senior business leaders in London. At today’s Scottish Cities Week opening event, Mr Arthur will champ
Taylor Wimpey said it is beginning 2025 on stronger footing thanks to an uptick in sales over the second half of last year but has cautioned over pressure on construction costs this year as suppliers mitigate the impact of Budget tax changes and uncertain economic conditions.
Fife Council has moved to restart construction on more than 200 new homes after work had to stop on four sites across the Kingdom last year.
A Glasgow-based fashion brand has teamed up with Homeless Project Scotland to launch a new scheme to help support people experiencing homelessness this winter.
The Inner House of the Court of Session has refused an appeal against a lord ordinary’s decision to refuse to reduce a decision of Glasgow City Council not to conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment in respect of the demolition of four tower blocks in Maryhill.
Wheatley Group has pledged its support to MCR Pathways, which runs a schools-based mentoring programme matching care-experienced young people with volunteer mentors. Care-experienced young people often have fewer life chances, and research shows having a mentor can help boost young people’s co