Wheatley Group has retained the prestigious Investors in Young People (IIYP) accreditation. The housing, care and property management group retained the award in recognition of the way it encourages and develops its young employees.
Faced with one of its highest budget gaps in recent times, Argyll and Bute Council is asking communities for their views on what council services should be prioritised, protected and provided.
The team at housebuilder Dandara has been brushing up on their green skills, following a volunteering stint with Edinburgh-based homelessness prevention charity Cyrenians. The developer, which is working on a range of projects from Kirkliston to Wallyford, paid Cyrenians’ Green Skills Centre a
Eildon Housing has been awarded just over £147,000 to fund its OPAL Borders project for the next three years.
Persimmon Homes has launched a new facility to enable its teams to trial new technologies and train staff.
Lanarkshire Housing Association (LHA) has appointed Henry Coyle as its new chief executive officer. Henry has worked in housing in Scotland for nearly thirty years and brings with him a wealth of experience in both housing associations and local government. A Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Hou
Whiteinch and Scotstoun Housing Association (WSHA) has appointed Debs Allan as its new communities manager. Debs joins WSHA in the new role to oversee the strategic leadership and direction of The Whiteinch Centre.
The Scottish Land Commission has proposed key changes to the Land Reform Bill currently being considered by Parliament so that it achieves the Scottish Government’s objectives to address the impacts of concentrated land ownership.
Albyn Group has promoted Jim Banks to head of group customer services, a newly created role that will drive forward the organisation’s commitment to delivering excellent customer service. Albyn Group includes Albyn Housing Society, one of the largest social housing providers in the Highlands w
A Housing Emergency Action Plan has been published in response to the unprecedented challenges facing Glasgow's homelessness service and the declaration of a housing emergency in the city.
West of Scotland Housing Association (WSHA) is again making proactive and innovative use of new technology to improve customer experience, with the launch of new customer-facing AI assistant ‘Westy’ this week.
A new campaign has been launched to urge owners of Radio Teleswitch Service (RTS) electricity meters to accept the offer of a meter upgrade from their energy supplier.
Cllr Kenny Macleod, convener of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, has paid tribute to former member Angus A Morrison, who passed away on 19 January 2025. Mr Morrison served as Member for the Port of Ness ward from 1978 to 1982. His sister-in-law, Katie Mackenzie, was later the Member for the Port of Ness w
Dumfries and Galloway Council is preparing a new Local Housing Strategy that will set out how the council and its partners will deliver housing and housing services over the next five years.
Communities must continue to have a ‘veto’ and the final say when it comes to planning approval for energy projects, the Scottish Conservatives will tell MSPs tomorrow. The party will lead a debate on the issue at Holyrood, amid what they say are growing concerns that local people are be