More than a third of all households in Scotland are estimated to have spent at least 10% of their incomes after housing costs on keeping their homes warm, according to the latest Scottish House Condition Survey (SHCS) for 2023.
East Ayrshire Council’s cabinet has agreed proposals to repurpose existing housing stock at Clinchyard Place in Galston, to help meet the increasing demand for accommodation for disabled people and to support Ukrainian refugees looking to settle in the region. The location comprises four block
ng homes is to facilitate a new series of money management workshops that will be taking place in North Glasgow during February and March.
Arran Housing Taskforce is looking for people to share their views as part of the effort to help shape housing provision on the island.
Heating technology provider Connected Response has appointed Felix Wight to a new role as commercial director. Felix brings a wealth of industry experience to the role. He spent five years working for the charity Community Energy Scotland before moving into his previous position as technical directo
Glasgow-based architectural practice MAST Architects has joined the growing movement of companies using business as a force for good having announced its certification as a B Corporation.
The first Midlothian Council tenants have moved into their new homes at the Bellway Homes development at Shawfair in Danderhall.
Scotland's local authorities are grappling with significant financial strain, necessitating urgent transformation to ensure sustainability, the Accounts Commission has revealed. While councils managed to bridge a £759 million budget deficit in 2023/24, this required deeper cuts and reliance on
People desperate for affordable housing in Edinburgh will soon be able to apply for one of more than 100 homes being built in the city and its outskirts.
The Scottish Government’s affordable housing pledge is a “sham” that will actually reduce the number of new builds next year, according to Scottish Labour. In her draft budget for 2025/26, finance secretary Shona Robison set out funding for 8,000 new affordable homes, a figure
The barriers and opportunities facing private sector developers to deliver much-needed town centre housing in Scotland have been highlighted in a new study published today. Prepared by Architecture and Design Scotland and infrastructure body, the Scottish Futures Trust, Unlocking Town Centre Li
Detailed plans have been submitted for the construction of purpose-built accommodation in Glasgow city centre.
Savings amounting to approximately £750,000, which will result in the loss of 13 jobs, have been agreed to help balance the 2025/26 Inverclyde Council budget. The savings package was included in a 2025/26 budget update report which was agreed at a full council meeting on Thursday
Work is underway in Glasgow’s West End with the commencement of a 42-home window replacement contract for Yorkhill Housing Association.
A 12-year-old schoolgirl from Glasgow has designed a solar-powered heated blanket that aims to help address the impact of homelessness in the UK. Rebecca Young, an S2 pupil at Kelvinside Academy, created the innovative design as part of the UK Primary Engineer competition, where she triumphed over 7