Just months into his time as CIH vice president Jim Strang has pledged to continue the efforts of current president Alison Inman to tackle domestic abuse when he becomes president in 2018. In an article originally published on the CIH website, Jim Strang makes it clear that domestic is an issue that
Kathy Hoyle Homelessness and inclusion charity Cyrenians has appointed a manager for the Social Bite Village set to provide a home for up to 20 people affected by homelessness.
Graeme Brown The director of housing and homelessness charity Shelter Scotland, Graeme Brown, has raised concerns over the future sustainability of Discretionary Housing Payments (DHPs) after new figures revealed that the average value of payments made via the scheme has increased by more than 25%.
Tenants of Fife Housing Group are set to benefit from cavity and loft insulation work following the completion of a contract by Everwarm Ltd. Fife Housing Group worked in conjunction with Everwarm and SPA to make the direct award.
Legal aid spending in housing cases, such as evictions due to rent or mortgage arrears, can generate a return which benefits both the recipient and wider society, new research found. Legal aid can help meet the costs of legal advice, family mediation and representation in a court or tribunal for peo
Ross Martin, chairman of Link Group Ltd (left) and Kevin Stewart, minister for local government and housing Link Group Ltd’s new affordable housing development at City Park, Edinburgh has been officially opened by the minister for local government and housing, Kevin Stewart.
Councils are showing increasing signs of financial stress and could see their cash reserves run out in two to three years, the local authority watchdog has warned. In its annual financial overview published today the Accounts Commission said funding has reduced while costs and demands have increased
Caroline Gardiner, Inverkeithing Primary School head teacher; Bill Banks, Kingdom Group chief executive; Dougie Herd, joint managing director at Campion Homes and the schools pupil councillors from P4 - P7 Pupils from Inverkeithing Primary School are to be involved in Kingdom Housing Association’s
Cloch Housing Association has welcomed Lisa Lees to her temporary post as community development arts worker, thanks to funding from the Scottish Government’s Aspiring Communities Fund. Lisa will be working with two artists who are engaged by local arts community group, Rig Arts in the areas of Mau
Andrew McFarlane Andrew McFarlane discusses the issue of the housing crisis in Scotland and outlines what action has to be taken to rectify the problem.
(from left) John Evans, HOS Board member; Fraser Gilmore, HOS engagement & development manager; Danny Jones, HOS client; Graeme Jackson, HOS client; Tony Carruthers – Military Matters Associate and Christine Jackson, HOS client Housing Options Scotland (HOS) invited employees, clients, busines
River Clyde Homes has teamed up with Inverclyde Council to launch a one-stop-shop for anyone looking to rent or buy a home in the Inverclyde area. Free and simple to use, Your Housing Options Inverclyde provides information, advice and support for house hunters. This includes contact details for est
Over 50 third sector organisations across the UK have backed an amendment to the EU Withdrawal Bill legislation calling for an independent review of the impact of Brexit on health and social care systems. The sector is concerned about the impact on staff from the EU, a decline in funding for medical
A social enterprise hosted by Glasgow Homelessness Network has launched a new initiative that will get behind local people who want to make sure their area is ready for community budgeting. Everyone in Scotland will soon have more say on how local funds are used, with at least 1% of local government
Residents are being encouraged to submit their views on how future development should look in Argyll and Bute. The council is in the process of consulting on a new Local Development Plan (LDP) and people are being invited to 'have their say' before the consultation deadline on 11 December.