Local authorities who do not use their house building funding face losing their allocation altogether, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has warned. Delivering her 2017 conference speech to SNP members yesterday, the party leader repeated the Scottish Government’s commitment to delivering 50,000 affo
Glenn Adcook, chief executive at Osprey; Alex Drummond and Rachel Ross from Bank of Scotland, which provided the private finance, and Gary Walker, chief finance officer at Osprey Osprey Housing has taken possession of the first phase of properties at a new development in Aberdeenshire.
The site of the proposed development at Hopeman Moray councillors have unanimously voted against the building of 22 homes in Hopeman.
An online, mobile friendly ‘I Need Help’ button has been launched which aims to provide immediate help for people in crisis and facing homelessness in Scotland. When someone accesses the button via their mobile phone or online, the geo-positioning enabled tool points people to their nearest help
The Maryhill team which tackled the clean up at Ruchill allotments Staff at Maryhill Housing are stepping up their efforts to give something back to the communities in which they work.
A community group with ambitious plans to repopulate a Scottish island has become the latest organisation to benefit from right to buy powers. Scottish Ministers have given consent to The North West Mull Community Woodland Company to register its interest in purchasing the Isle of Ulva in the Inner
The private rented sector (PRS) has tripled in size since the advent of devolution and its reversal is a goal that Holyrood should “triumph not fear”, a new report has argued. New data on the experience of households in Scotland analysed by think tank Common Weal has revealed that the PRS contin
A plan which will underpin the development of thousands of new affordable homes in South Lanarkshire is being submitted to the Scottish Government after being approved by councillors. Members of the housing and technical resources committee approved South Lanarkshire Council’s new Strategic Housin
Pictured at the new development are (from left) Duncan McIntyre (Midlothian Council planning & implementation officer), Alison White (Midlothian Council head of adult and social care), Kay Gillespie (team manager at the Richmond Fellowship), Councillor Stephen Curran (cabinet member for customer
Thenue Housing has been given a significant endorsement by its tenants in a wide-ranging opinion survey. The sparkling set of results - with most approval ratings at 90% or above - confirm the Association remains highly regarded by the people it serves.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYL19W3SonE&feature=youtu.be The site of Aberdeen’s former HMP Craiginches will soon feature a communal garden inspired by the historic prison’s past thanks to help by Sanctuary.
The campaign team in Inverurie Jessica Husbands takes Shelter Scotland’s Homelessness: Far From Fixed campaign on a tour round rural Scotland.
Landlords in a London borough will now need to apply for planning permission before renting out their homes to multiple people following a landmark change of planning rules for new Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs). The new rule comes in as part of the Royal Borough of Greenwich's aim to crack do
Scores of residents in and around Edinburgh are set to benefit from free insight and advice on their energy use, as part of a smart technology research initiative. Sensor technology that helps consumers to use less gas and electricity - and potentially save on energy bills - has already been success
A new £19 million housing development in Wester Hailes has been shortlisted in the ‘Excellence in Development for Affordable Housing’ category at this year’s Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) Excellence Awards. The Places for People Scotland development constructed by Lovell comprises of 1