A massive reduction in UK government grants to social landlords in England is responsible for the deep fall in the construction of social housing over the past seven years, according to the National Housing Federation. The Federation, which represents housing associations, social landlords to over 2
Fanchea Kelly Blackwood Homes and Care is putting a sporting twist on its annual general meeting by hosting various events from powerchair football to wheelchair basketball to promote the importance of health and wellbeing.
David Domoney presenting the award to project members at the Eckford Street site Shettleston Housing Association’s community partner, the Shettleston Community Growing Project, has been announced as National Winner of Cultivation Street 2017.
Stirling Tenants Assembly organised a family fun day at the Council Chambers to raise awareness of Scottish Housing Day 2017. The event, held in association with Stirling Council’s Housing Service, hosted a range of activities, including the council play bus, face painting, caricature drawing and
A bid to deliver affordable homes at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Edinburgh has failed after NHS Lothian reached an agreement with property developer Downing Group for the sale of the site. The deal, which is believed to be in the region of £20 million, will see the Liverpool-based devel
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has announced that Scotland’s new social security agency will be headquartered in Dundee, bringing hundreds of jobs to the city. The new agency will also have a site in Glasgow, with the two locations together creating at least 1,500 jobs split evenly between the two
Glasgow City Council has set aside almost £50 million to bring up to 500 properties under public ownership as a newspaper investigation revealed many homes to be in a state of squalor and landlords with serious criminal convictions. In the past nine months, a total of 22 landlords with millions of
Graham Keith East Kilbride Housing Association (EKHA) has announced the election of Graham Keith as its new chair following the resignation of John Robertson after three years service in the role.
(from left) Scottish Liberal Democrats leader Willie Rennie MSP; Scottish Conservatives leader Ruth Davidson MSP; Scottish National Party leader and First Minister Nicola Sturgeon MSP; Scottish Green Party co-convener Patrick Harvie MSP; Scottish Labour shadow community minister Pauline McNeill MSP;
Team Kingdom: (from left) Sean Whittet, Kerri Gell, Leigh Shearer and Korran Shean A team of staff from Kingdom Housing Association are to take part in a charity sleep-out to help the homeless.
River Clyde Homes is launching its Retirement Housing initiative to celebrate Scottish Housing Day on Thursday 21 September. Retirement Housing provides an enhanced housing management service to older people who require assistance to live independently, ultimately, enabling elderly residents to feel
Professor Paddy Gray speaks at the National Housing Conference Professor Paddy Gray, one of the most prominent figures in the UK social housing sector, has praised the performance of Scotland's housing providers but warned about the growing impact of wealth inequality as housing continues to be "fin
Euan Revell Euan Revell, senior architectural designer at planning and design consultancy Barton Willmore in Edinburgh, says today all eyes are on digital design.
Ellie Hutchinson Private tenants in Glasgow are being urged to attend a free open-day event in Glasgow on Saturday 23 September in Renfield St Stephens, Bath St, Glasgow 10am-4pm.
Christina McKelvie Members of the Scottish Parliament’s equalities and human rights committee are seeking views about how the Scottish Government’s budget supports equalities and human rights.