Councillors have approved a revised incentive scheme to encourage council tenants in Moray to downsize from under-occupied houses. Created in consultation with tenants, the scheme is entirely voluntary and offers both practical and financial assistance to help eligible tenants to move.
Norman Kerr National fuel poverty charity Energy Action Scotland has warned that households that rely on electric heating will be hit particularly hard by plans by E.ON to increase its standard electricity prices by an average of 13.8%.
Councillor Frank McAveety with the homelessness easement card and IWS resources Glasgow City Council’s Poverty Leadership Panel (PLP) has launched a pocket sized information card to help homeless jobseekers.
Homeless people in Perth and Kinross met with MSPs from the Scottish Parliament’s local government and communities committee when they visited Churches Action for the Homeless (CATH) this week. CATH offers support to those homeless or under threat of homelessness who might otherwise have gone unde
Balloch and Haldane residents are enjoying a new state-of-the-art digital learning centre and improved facilities following a £100,000 refurbishment of the area’s library. The library was officially re-opened following the makeover which has improved the interior and exterior, and also seen the n
Councillor Barry McCulloch, convener of housing (centre front row), members of North Lanarkshire Federation of Tenants and Residents, Mears managing director, Barry Duncan (back row, third from right) and staff from Mears get together for the visit North Lanarkshire Federation of Tenants and Residen
(from left) CGC finance director Gary Tracey, Councillor Mark MacmIllan leader of Renfrewshire Council, CGC managing director Leo Reilly, Provost Anne Hall, CGC director Ronnie McDowell and CGC director David Gray A construction firm which is paying for sixteen Scottish housing associations to fund
Jeremy Hewer The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has warned that the Scottish Government’s increase in funding for Discretionary Housing Payments (DHPs) is likely to be “overwhelmed” by the further cuts in social security entitlement.
Wellhouse chair Maureen Morris Wellhouse Housing Association has renewed its approach to reinvestment in its housing with a plan to refresh its asset management plans.
LMA Architects have submitted a planning application to East Ayrshire Council for a new housing development at Hayhill. Re-submitted after extensive discussions with the council, the revised scheme of 20 new homes by Hayhill Developments will provide much needed affordable homes for the area.
Newly elected councillors in May need to focus on improving long-term planning to tackles the major financial challenges facing Scotland’s local authorities, according to a new report from the Accounts Commission. In its 2017 overview published today, the local government spending watchdog has out
CCG (Scotland) Ltd has commenced work on a new affordable housing scheme in Cumbernauld on behalf of Sanctuary Scotland. The development at Hume Road in Seafar consists of 24 flats, all of which have been allocated for social rent.
Wheatley Group has achieved the Gold Healthy Working Lives Award for its commitment to supporting the health and wellbeing of its staff.
Fanchea Kelly One of the country’s most innovative care providers is celebrating after being recognised at the highest possible level with a nomination for a prestigious award.
Receiving their award from sponsors Northern gas heating are (2nd left) Steve Laurie, E.ON; Karen MacLean, the council’s energy advice officer & Omar Rickets, E.ON The Highland Council has won a national award for a project aimed at cutting the cost of heating Highland homes.