Some of the D J Laing team at the Laing House headquarters in Carnoustie Architects and Angus Housing Association have paid tribute to D J Laing Homes as the firm celebrated 30 years of building new homes in Dundee and Angus.
John MacMillan Armed with only a sleeping bag each, John MacMillan, MacRoberts managing partner and Laura Wilson, the firm’s marketing director will brave a cold December night to help raise vital funds for some of Scotland’s most vulnerable people.
Kay Blair The Scottish Government’s target to deliver 50,000 affordable homes over the current parliament presents opportunities for some RSLs but could throw up financial challenges for others, the Scottish Housing Regulator has warned.
Harry McGuigan Scotland local authorities have warned that severe cuts to local government will threaten to undo the great efforts councils have made to tackle homelessness.
LAR chief executive Ann Leslie - photo credit Mike Wilkinson A housing charity set up to help tackle a shortage of mid-rent homes across Scotland is issuing a fresh appeal to builders and developers in the Lothians to offer properties for sale to help it build up its portfolio of homes.
Artist’s impression of the new development of social housing at Dougrie Drive One of GHA’s largest developments of new social housing is on track for completion next year.
Kenny MacAskill Some Scottish care homes should be converted into specialist prisons for the increasing number of elderly inmates, according to a former Justice Secretary.
Peabody and Family Mosaic housing associations have agreed to merge to create a new organisation with combined assets worth £6 billion. Subject to a number of consents and to the views of residents, the merged housing association, which will be named Peabody, will be responsible for 55,220 homes ac
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon visits PoLHA's Jameson Place Tenants of Port of Leith Housing Association’s (PoLHA) Jameson Place development welcomed a special guest this week when First Minister Nicola Sturgeon paid a visit to the Generations Project for their Christmas festivities.
Nick Pollard Continuing our series of Just A Minute profiles of housing association finance directors, run in partnership with our sister publication Scottish Financial News, is Nick Pollard, director of corporate support services at Kingdom Housing Association.
Shelter Scotland has accused the Scottish Government and local councils of taking their eyes off the ball when it comes to homelessness after new data revealed a rise in people needing assistance. The housing and homelessness charity visited the Scottish Parliament yesterday to highlight the plight
Moray Council has given the go-ahead for the demolition of a prominent building in Elgin High Street and its replacement with a retail unit and a series of apartments. The existing façade of 184-188 High Street – a B listed building – will be taken down and rebuilt using reclaimed materials fro
Credit agency Moody's has given the English social housing sector a ‘negative’ outlook for 2017 after warning that housing associations’ credit metrics will suffer as adverse policy changes incentivise them to take on additional risk. In a report published yesterday entitled ‘English Housing
How some of the 3,000 new homes will look Springfield Properties has signed an agreement detailing the allocation of over £28 million of developer contributions associated with its Bertha Park development in Perth.
Shawn More A digital skills trainer with housing and care provider Blackwood is celebrating his success having scooped a prestigious industry award, after just one year in the job.