Work has been completed on a £3.5 million transformation project in East Dunbartonshire. A total of 52 flats at the Burns Court development in Kirkintilloch have been redeveloped into energy-efficient, modern properties which meet new technical standards.
Tenants in Dundee have backed one per cent increase in council house rents, the lowest rent rise in the history of Dundee City Council. A report to the city council's housing committee on January 25 proposes the increase that will help to ensure £6 million of investment in new council houses and £
‘The Mary Barbour Five’Five shortlisted sculptors with their maquettes in a search of the prize of making the historic statue which will remember Glaswegian social pioneer, campaigner and Rent Strike 1915 leader Mary Barbour.(From left) Andrew Brown, Mark Longworth, Kenny Mackay, Roddy McDowall
Technology in the 21st Century is providing us with the means to communicate our thoughts and ideas across the planet in a way that would have been unthinkable, even 10 years ago. However good the technology is, it cannot pick up the subtleties of a language, the culture that underpins it, or even t
Jim Eadie MSP The general principles behind a bill that aims to introduce a new single tenancy for the private rented sector and have been given support from a committee of MSPs, though some suggestions for improvements have been recommended.
Dunedin Canmore, part of Wheatley Group, has promoted one of its managers to a new key role of operations director. Robert Buchanan, 40, previously head of IT and change management, took up the new position at the start of January.
John Alexander A new report has identified one hundred sites across Dundee that could play host to thousands of new homes.
Regeneration funds earmarked for deprived urban areas are being siphoned into city-centre commercial developments and exacerbating inequality, a new report has found. Independent regeneration network SURF, which represents 250 organisations across Scotland, found that half of £50 million earmarked
Andrew Senew Care and Repair Edinburgh, the charity dedicated to assisting older people and the disabled to live in their own homes and communities for as long as possible, has announced changes to its board of directors.
(left to right) Tracey Wilson tenant participation manager, Sean Batty TV weatherman and Marianne McManus, divisional housing manager North Ayrshire Council has become the first local authority in Scotland to successfully achieve the gold standard of TPAS accreditation.
Thenue Housing is currently consulting tenants on what its rents should be from April 1. The association is proposing that rents increase by 1.7 per cent with the exception of semi-detached houses, where rents will remain frozen for one more year.
People living in council accommodation across North Lanarkshire are being encouraged to give their views on how to further improve housing repairs. Tenants taking part will also have the chance to win £50 of shopping vouchers.
A refugee support group in Dundee has transformed itself into a charity that supports people suffering from homelessness. Dundee Supports Refugees has remodelled itself as Dundee The Caring City, taking inspiration from the similarly named Glasgow organisation.
Alex Neil Almost 900 Edinburgh affordable homes for rent are to be delivered by the National Housing Trust initiative (NHT), social justice secretary Alex Neil revealed today.
Neil Clapperton Dear Editor,