An Inveraray housing development that was halted* after the contractor went bust should have the homes completed within four months, the Argyllshire Advertiser has reported. The £1.7 million social housing contract at Barn Park, was awarded by Argyll Community Housing Association (ACHA) to Stewart
Aberdeenshire councillors are being asked to back a plan to increase rents on council houses to tackle a major waiting list for council homes in the area. In plans going before Aberdeenshire Council’s social work and housing committee next week, councillors are being asked to back a plan to increa
Tenant Marion Copeland with GHA chair Gordon Sloan and Tracy Sinclair of Safedem Scotland’s tallest residential multi-storeys have been brought down in a first for the UK demolition industry.
Lisa Glass In 2014-15, over 65,000 different households in Scotland approached their local authority for help with housing, either through the housing options service (58,825 approaches) or the homelessness route (35,764 applications).
Plans to develop the former Triple Kirks site in the heart of Aberdeen into a world-class new accommodation facility for academics have been approved. The derelict church has lain empty for many years, and the 13-storey project will include 175 studio flats and 166 en-suite rooms.
Andrew with Sarah and Buster outside his home as they set of for a walk A young man who was previously homeless and supported by Loretto Care has won a national photography award.
Social Bite, the not-for-profit Scottish sandwich shop chain which George Clooney visited last month, has launched a new fundraising campaign to feed thousands of homeless people on Christmas Day and throughout 2016 – with the help of the Hollywood icon and a host of other big-name backers. During
Danny O'Neill A new company has been launched which promises to inject around £100 million in the social housing and mid-market rental sector over the next four years.
Hugh Henry Paying the housing element of Universal Credit direct to landlords and the immediate abolition of the ‘bedroom tax’ are needed if Scotland is to create a welfare system which treats claimants with dignity and respect, MSPs have said.
Mark Henderson One of the UK’s largest affordable housing providers is set to place its customers and clients at the heart of celebrations marking its 80th anniversary.
Fife Housing Group executive team (from left) Kevin Lynch, Nicki Donaldson, Andrew Clark and Su Bramley launch the new brand Fife Housing Group has launched a new brand uniting Fife Housing Association, Prism Property Solutions and their subsidiary PACT under one roof.
James Battye Affordable house building is a key driver of Scotland’s economy, writes James Battye, policy officer at Shelter Scotland.
Plans have been submitted for 121 new homes in the Craigmillar area of Edinburgh. CCG and EDI Group PARC Craigmillar’s proposals mark the first residential phase of the Craigmillar Town Centre Masterplan.
Ore Valley Business Centre Ore Valley Housing Association is doing its bit to ease the chaos for thousands of workers in Fife caused by the closure of the Forth Road Bridge.
Kilmarnock town centre, a community housing build in Sutherland and an employer’s charter by Wheatley Group have been recognised for best practice in community regeneration. The projects were among the winners at the prestigious 2015 SURF Awards which were announced at a celebratory presentation e