New Welsh legislation aimed at preventing homelessness has been welcomed in research released today by homelessness charity Crisis. However, the report warns that welfare reforms and cuts introduced by the UK government risk undermining any progress achieved, while the Renting Homes (Wales) Bill cur
(from left) Kingdom chief executive, Bill Banks; housing and welfare minister, Margaret Burgess MSP and Kingdom chairperson, Charles Milne Kingdom Housing Association has marked the completion of 65 new affordable homes for Mid Market Rent at Pittencrieff Street, Dunfermline.
(from left) Councillor Willie Sawers, Shona Robison MSP and Bruce Forbes Dundee East MSP Shona Robison and local councillor Willie Sawers visited a new £4 million housing development being built in the Whitfield area of Dundee which forms part of both their constituencies.
River Clyde Homes is to spend over £2 million a month to upgrade homes across the Inverclyde area over the coming year. The record investment comes as the based housing association aims to complete a nine year programme to bring its properties to the Scottish Housing Quality Standard (SHQS). Just o
Mhairi Black at the University of the West of Scotland Paisley and Renfrewshire South MP Mhairi Black has recently voiced her opinions around regulating Scotland's private renting sector and joined students at her local university in calling for rent controls.
Good access to housing has been cited as one of the top five reasons young people would choose to stay in the Highlands and Islands. A new report on the recent Young people and the Highlands and Islands: Attitudes and aspirations study commissioned by Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) has been
A footsore pair of fundraisers have marched almost 100 miles to raise hundreds of pounds to help older people living with dementia. Bield employee Kevin Rowe recruited his friend Natalie Ross to join him on his latest fundraising effort for Bield’s care services.
Fife Council has invited the public to discuss proposals for a new affordable housing development at Monksmoss, Ladybank. A drop-in event for members of the public to view and comment on the proposal will take place at Ladybank Library on Tuesday 25th August between 3pm and 7pm.
Muirhouse Housing Association (MHA) has completed its final phase of homes on the former BT training ground in Edinburgh. The association has added a further 64 units to the 58 homes it completed in 2014.
A legal challenge to the Cairngorms National Park’s Local Plan has been abandoned, paving the way for up to 1,500 homes to be built. The appeal by a group of environmental bodies failed in the courts system twice before the appellants appealed to the UK Supreme Court in 2013, where a hearing date
Work has started on an affordable homes development in the Scottish Borders. An agreement was reached with developers Waverley Tweed Ltd at the end of last year for Scottish Borders Council (SBC) to acquire three flats at a long-standing gap site in Innerleithen High Street, in addition to a further
The new properties at Sealladh na Mara, Bowmore, Islay Argyll Community Housing Association (ACHA) has completed 20 new homes at Sealladh na Mara, Bowmore on Islay.
Greig Adams By Greig Adams at DM Hall
Graham Harper A partnership between an Edinburgh charity and a UK legal firm is offering Edinburgh residents the opportunity to make a Will for free in return for a charitable donation.
Linda Fabiani The Scottish Government has called for assurances from the UK Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) that Scotland’s older people will not be penalised with higher energy bills due to the roll out of smart meters.