Jim McCormick We need to face up to inequalities, and find solutions, to reduce poverty in a fair way, says Jim McCormick, Scotland adviser at Jospeh Rowentree Foundation.
Award winner Nick Halls (left) with SHARE chair Paul McShane Milnbank Housing Association management committee member Nick Halls has been named as the SHARE Committee Learner of the Year for the second occasion.
Left to right: Lovell regional director Alan Taylor; Archie McDermid, site manager for the Little Boghead project; Derek Brown, site manager for the kitchen and bathroom replacement programme for Dumfries and Galloway Housing Partnership and Lovell regional health, safety and environmental manager W
A new partnership responsible for health and social care provision across West Dunbartonshire will be established on July 1. The West Dunbartonshire Health & Social Care Partnership Board brings together representatives from the West Dunbartonshire Council and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, and
Tenants and staff at Bield retirement housing developments in West Lothian and Selkirk have been celebrating the important role of volunteers by dedicating time completely to them. Mosside Court in Blackburn and Mungo Park Court in Selkirk held celebratory events to honour their volunteers and to re
The application period for Scotland’s leading environmental award scheme is drawing to a close and Scottish housing businesses are encouraged to enter their green credentials for a chance to join the country’s list of sustainable champions. All entries for this year’s VIBES Awards, which recog
Dame Angela Watkinson Two pieces of legislation that will make it easier for authorities to identify criminal landlords in England were introduced by MPs yesterday.
Young people face considerable challenges navigating the housing market, with those on low and insecure incomes vulnerable and at potential risk of homelessness, according to a new report from the University of St Andrews published today. “Housing Generation Rent - What are the Challenges for Hous
Graeme Brown Reforming Scotland’s private rented sector to make it fit for the 21st Century and fair for all is the theme of a major conference taking place today.
Nick Williams Castlehill Housing Association’s longest serving committee member Dr Nick Williams is to leave the Association after 28 years of service.
Alex Neil Charities and groups that work with people who receive benefits will play a crucial role in developing Scotland’s new social security powers, social justice secretary Alex Neil will say today.
Aileen McLeod Scottish landowners will have to accept “the public responsibilities that come with that ownership” following the introduction of new land reform legislation.
Roman Fields Places for People has picked up two further accolades for an affordable housing development in the former mining village of Twechar, East Dunbartonshire.
Housing minister Margaret Burgess with Fortune Place resident Mrs Jean Ross Housing minister Margaret Burgess has visited the first residents at a recently completed development that is set to become a new model of housing for older people.
Prospect Community Housing has launched a new website which aims to bring together online services for tenants with community information for everyone. The new site is fully mobile friendly, automatically adjusting so it can be viewed on any device including smartphones.