Employees from Partick Housing Association participated in the Glasgow Kiltwalk 2015 which took place on Sunday 12th April. The Kiltwalk is a charity which organises sponsored, kilted walks to raise funds for children’s charities across Scotland.
The Scottish Conservatives have pledged that they would re-introduce the Right to Buy in the unlikely event they win power in Scotland. The pledge, which appears in the party's manifesto for the Westminster election in May, comes as representatives from Labour, the SNP, the Scottish Greens and the S
From left to right: Ricky Henderson, Colin Fox, Jim Eadie, and Phyl Meyer Representatives from four of Scotland's political parties debated social housing and devolution last night in a hustings organised by the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA).
The average cost of moving home in Scotland has reached £8,000 – an increase of 38 per cent over the past decade – according to a study compiled by Post Office Money and the Centre for Economics and Business Research (Cebr). People in Scotland pay an average of £8,098 every time they move home
Care and housing provider Bield has appealed for volunteers to help at the Ochilview Court retirement housing development in West Lothian. The company is looking for volunteers to help with the development's weekly lunch club on Thursday afternoons, which sees tenants given the opportunity to chat a
Baillie Liz Cameron laid the first brick of a £6.5 million development by Partick Housing Association which will be completed next year.
Inverclyde-based housing association River Clyde Homes has been praised for its efforts in developing new customer involvement arrangements through a Scottish Government programme.
Angus Council has today issued a warning to tenants of the dangers of tampering with electricity or gas meters, saying that those who attempt to do it are “putting their own life at risk”. A council spokesperson said: “Over the last couple of years the number of tenants tampering with their ga
A leading housing, care and property management group's campaign has welcomed the support of cabinet secretary for social justice, communities and pensioners' rights, Alex Neil MSP.
House prices in Scotland were pushed upwards last month according to a survey by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (Rics). 21 per cent more surveyors reported a rise in house prices in March and 27 per cent more surveyors expect prices to increase over the next three months - while demand
City of Edinburgh Council is set to become the first local authority in Scotland to become a private landlord if plans currently under consideration go ahead. The local authority is planning to create an arm's-length company called Edinburgh Homes, which will attract private investment to fund new h
Community councillors have called for a rejected planning application for a Traveller site to be reconsidered by Aberdeenshire Council. The council, which has recently decided to create four new halting sites across the region, turned down a planning application for a camp on land near the St Cyrus
The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) is hosting a hustings event tonight in the Edinburgh South constituency, where candidates will go head-to-head with housing perspectives on additional powers for Scotland. The debate will be chaired by The Scotsman's former political editor Hami
Aberdeenshire Council's proposed local development plan for Stonehaven and the surrounding area has been put out to consultation with the local community. The blueprints outlining future development - which could include up to 110 homes at Carron Den, up to 205 homes at Ury Estate East Lodge, and a
Trust Housing Association has released a new 'Personal Plan' video to communicate with staff and advise them on how to carry out their work.