Edinburgh-based property developer Whiteburn Projects has secured £20 million equity investment to launch its VOX Build-to-Rent product, with a view to delivering the first of its proposed projects in Dundee. Planning permission was granted to the developer in August 2015 for its vision for the for
Build To Rent
Scotland’s first operational Build to Rent scheme at Forbes Place in Aberdeen Almost three quarters of Scots are happy to rent a property, according to new research which has also revealed that it suits many people’s lifestyles.
A Build to Rent scheme currently being delivered in Fountainbridge, Edinburgh Housing minister Kevin Stewart has announced the launch of the UK’s first Rental Income Guarantee Scheme (RIGS) to support investment in private rented housing.
Housing minister Kevin Stewart has today announced £90,000 to support pilot projects to assist people wanting to build their own homes with a new Challenge Fund. Speaking at the closing event of the Festival of Architecture in Edinburgh, Mr Stewart will confirm the new fund will be open for applica
Scotland’s housing shortfall could be plugged by Build to Rent homes but opportunities as well as threats exist for the sector, says Dr John Boyle. Build to Rent (BTR), or institutional investment in the private rented sector (PRS), is now emerging as a major new way of providing housing acros
David Melhuish By Scottish Property Federation director David Melhuish
Moda Living's plans for 500 homes for rent in Fountainbridge Scotland’s Build to Rent (BTR) sector could be set to benefit from a flood of investment, fuelled by rental growth in Scottish cities and the diminishing likelihood of a second independence referendum, according to a new report.
Proposals for a £105 million transformation of the former Strathclyde Police HQ in Glasgow's city centre into homes built specifically for private rent have been unveiled to the public. Moda Living, the developer behind a 525-home project in Edinburgh city centre, staged an initial consultation out
A joint venture between developer Moda Living and investment manager Apache Capital is to deliver 525 new homes for rent in Edinburgh city centre in a multi-million pound deal which will also include the purchase of 46 existing private rented homes. Property firm Grosvenor Britain & Ireland has
A build to rent scheme of up to 400 homes was approved at Fountainbridge in Edinburgh last year Shelter Scotland’s James Battye blogs on why affordable housing must be the priority in Scotland’s housebuilding programme.
Richard Slipper Richard Slipper from GVA on what the Scottish Government can do to address the nation’s housing shortage ahead of today’s Budget.
Gerry More Scotland’s Build to Rent (BTR) sector is today being boosted by the announcement of an extension to funding for the Scottish Government-supported Private Rented Sector (PRS) Champion.
Multi-million pound regeneration plans to transform an old Edinburgh brewery site into a thriving canal side community will go on show at an upcoming information event. The EDI Group Ltd is inviting residents to an information event on Tuesday 10 May, from 3pm to 8pm, at Akva, 129 Fountainbridge, to
Helen Gordon The UK’s new Build To Rent initiative, which sees institutions fund and manage purpose-built accommodation for the Private Rented Sector (PRS), has received its second big investment in as many days.
The City of Edinburgh Council has granted planning consent for plans to build up to 400 new homes at Fountainbridge, according to developers. The Grosvenor Group said the consent unlocks the potential for its proposed build-to-rent scheme in the former industrial area close to the city centre.