Detailed planning permission has been granted for a 498-apartment build-to-rent development on the banks of the River Clyde. The £100 million scheme, which sits on the Broomielaw, one of Glasgow’s major thoroughfares, is being delivered by developer and private rented housing operator PL
Build To Rent
Planning permission has been granted for a new 7.5-acre city centre neighbourhood in central Glasgow, Scotland’s largest build-to-rent (BTR) scheme to date. The investment partnership behind Get Living PLC has secured planning consent to transform a derelict site in the historic heart of Glasg
Matt Willcock While the build to rent market in Scotland is still behind the rest of the UK, demand is growing and developments in the sector can cater for everyone, including families, writes Matt Willcock.
Amy Norton Amy Norton argues that promoting more Build to Rent developments for the mid-market rent sector would be an effective means of striking a balance to get investment so more properties are built to help contribute towards the Scottish Government’s affordable housing pledge.
Moda submitted plans for 221 homes at Springside in April Moda Living has secured new institutional investment to fund seven new city centre build-to-rent schemes across the UK, including two in Scotland.
The ongoing revitalisation of Glasgow’s waterfront is poised to take a major step forward with the submission of a detailed planning application for a 500-apartment build-to-rent development on the banks of the Clyde. The project at Central Quay on the Broomielaw is being led by investor, develope
Kevin Stewart MSP (right) with Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham Housing minister Kevin Stewart on his time spent in Liverpool and Manchester last week.
Dandara Living Forbes Place team (from left) Mandy Anderson, Chloe Howle, Emma Higgins and James Mitchell Residents at Dandara Living’s Forbes Place apartment scheme in Aberdeen have awarded the development a 100% customer satisfaction rating in a recent survey.
A build-to-rent project under development in Dundee The significant gap between the number of purpose-built rental properties in Scotland and those being constructed in different English regions has been highlighted in a new report.
Private rented housing developer Moda has secured planning permission to transform the old Strathclyde Police headquarters in Glasgow into a ‘build-to-rent neighbourhood’. Under plans approved by Glasgow City Council, Holland Park – named after the grand hotel-style lobby that will sit on Holl
A fund management arm set up by Places for People has set up a £550 million fund to target opportunities in the build-to-rent (BTR) sector across the UK. It is hoped that the fund will help deliver 3,000 new homes.
The conversion of a former Dundee college building into Build to Rent and Serviced Apartments can begin in earnest after the VOX Dundee project was awarded planning consent by councillors. Voxcap Investments (Dundee) has appointed Reigart Contracts to undertake enabling works to facilitate the redev
A developer and operator of private rented housing has announced a major brownfield regeneration project right in the heart of Glasgow as its first development in Scotland. PLATFORM_, which already has 580 homes under management in the joint venture in key commuter towns and employment hubs across E
A Build to Rent scheme currently being delivered in Fountainbridge, Edinburgh Investors into Scotland’s Build to Rent (BTR) sector have been urged to ensure that schemes have operational management factored in from the earliest stages of development.
Barry White, Scottish Futures Trust chief executive A strategic partnership has been appointed by Scottish Futures Trust (SFT) to advise on the Scottish Government’s landmark policy for supporting the emerging professionally managed Build-to-Rent (BTR) sector.