Homelessness levels in Scotland are projected to increase by a third in the space of just two years if ministers fail to change their approach, a new report has found.
Crisis, the national charity for homeless people, has received a £500 donation towards its Crisis at Christmas campaign from independent housebuilder Dandara.
The Scottish Government has published the terms of reference for its Ministerial Oversight Group on Homelessness.
Star of hit Netflix series The Crown, Imelda Staunton, Game of Thrones actor, Sophie Turner, Bridgerton actor, Simone Ashley and The Bear actor, Will Poulter, joined national homelessness charity Crisis yesterday to help with preparations for the opening of the charity’s Christmas services, wh
Housing benefit is to be uprated for the first time in three years following yesterday's Autumn Statement but concerns have been raised that the move is not enough to address homelessness in Scotland.
Housing secretary Michael Gove risks renters’ rights and wellbeing by delaying a ban on no-fault evictions based on false claims that Britain’s rental sector would collapse, a cross-party think tank has warned.
Ahead of an upcoming webinar on homelessness prevention, James Mullaney and Ursula Hofeldt highlight how people who work or volunteer in local communities can play a role.
A set of pledges employers can take to support people experiencing homelessness in the workplace has been launched by Crisis.
Homelessness Prevention Task and Finish Group shares recommendations in wake of highest ever figures
Urgent transformational change on homelessness prevention will only be possible if new Scottish Government proposals are properly funded, a new report has warned.
Private landlords could play a far greater role in helping to end homelessness in Scotland, according to a new report from a coalition of homelessness and housing experts.
The number of households stuck in temporary accommodation in England was at a record high between January and March this year, new figures from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities have shown.
Prince William is to unveil his vision to end the plight of hidden homelessness, pledging “a really big project” from his and the Princess of Wales’s Royal Foundation.
Ensuring everyone in Scotland has access to adequate housing should be put at the centre of policy-making at every level of government, according to a new call from more than a dozen organisations working across housing, homelessness, local government and the legal sector.
Lloyds Banking Group and homelessness charity Crisis have joined forces in a new two-year partnership to help tackle the shortage of good quality, affordable homes in Great Britain, which is leaving hundreds of thousands of people trapped in homelessness.
A new digital map aimed at boosting awareness of projects helping to prevent homelessness in Scotland and beyond has been launched by the charity Crisis. The interactive map, covering projects around the UK, allows service providers and policy-makers to search for and explore work being done across