Help To Buy

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A report from Scottish Labour’s Housing Commission has recommended the party scrap and replace Help to Buy with a more targeted scheme to help first time buyers of lower incomes. Labour said the heavily criticised scheme has been handing state support to households on over £100

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The Help to Buy (Scotland) scheme is to be extended beyond 2019 after the Scottish Government announced a further £100 million investment over two years. The initiative, which helps people purchase a new-build home without the need for a large deposit, has supported more than 12,000 households into

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A think-tank has urged the Scottish Government to end Help to Buy subsidies after it was revealed that three executives at housebuilder Persimmon were paid in excess of £100 million last year in a bonuses scheme linked to the policy. An annual report published by Persimmon revealed that chief execu

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Homes for Scotland has called on the Scottish Government to extend the Help to Buy scheme to capitalise on new figures which revealed that the number of first-time buyers in Scotland is at the highest level for a decade. Data published by finance and banking industry trade body UK Finance showed the

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Critics of the Scottish Help to Buy scheme have called for the policy to be scrapped after an investigation revealed just three high volume housebuilders have received around £189 million in subsidised mortgages between them. Freedom of information (FOI) data obtained by investigatory journalism pl

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Housing minister Kevin Stewart (left) and Craig Sanderson, chief executive of Link Group Ltd (right) join Abbey Place residents and Councillor Marie McGurk, convener of Renfrewshire Council's communities, housing and planning policy board (black suit). Older people will have greater access to afford

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Pauline McNeill MSP Scottish Labour has criticised the Scottish Government’s Help to Buy scheme for only providing a boost to the affluent after new figures revealed that the average income of households participating in the scheme was £46,000.

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