(from left) Iona Summerton, Gowrie Care project worker; Stewart MacKay, Gowrie Care client; Douglas Knight, Gowrie Care client; Terri Coutts, Gowrie Care client; Amy Browne, Lead Scotland learning coordinator; Janet McBean, Gowrie Care client and Niamh Kelly, Gowrie Care project worker Five Dundonia
(from left) Paul Cox, Gowrie Care service user; Karen MacKinnon, Maggie’s Dundee cancer support specialist; Tom Fotheringham, Gowrie Care service user and Michael McGuire, Gowrie Care support worker Two Gowrie Care services recently held a coffee morning in Dundee to raise over £200 for Maggie’
(from left) Tom Young, HMS operations manager; Ross Grant, HMS joiner; Jackson Couper, HMS joiner and Bob Jack, HMS operations manager Two young apprentices have secured full time employment with Hillcrest Maintenance Services (HMS) after completing modern apprenticeships.
(from left) Danny Kelly, harm reduction team manager; Ingrid Hainey, area manager; Stewart Hosie MP; Christina Hutton, harm reduction worker and Fiona Holt, senior harm reduction worker Stewart Hosie MP visited Gowrie Care’s harm reduction service in Dundee to find out more about the charity’s o
Hillcrest Housing Association and Bield Housing & Care celebrated Scottish Housing Day yesterday with a visit from Kevin Stewart MSP. The housing minister was welcomed to the old Eastern General site in Edinburgh which provides 231 affordable homes for the city. As well as a tour of the Hillcres
Angela Linton The housing sector has come a long way in its efforts to provide safe, warm and affordable homes but Scottish Housing Day also provides an opportunity to see what more can be achieved, writes Hillcrest chief executive Angela Linton.
Canonmills Gardens Around 350 flats are to be delivered across two sites in Edinburgh after developers secured more than £40 million in loans.
Kieran Findlay, editor of Scottish Housing News and Scottish Construction Now, has set off on a 154 kilometre walk along the world famous West Highland Way to raise money for charity.
Alan Russell Last night was Alan Russell’s first night at the helm of Hillcrest Housing Association.
Hillcrest Group has concluded its 50 Faces of Hillcrest series of films to celebrate its 50th anniversary and its people.
Hillcrest Group is continuing its 50 Faces of Hillcrest series of films to celebrate its 50th anniversary and its people. Below are faces 42-46.
Hillcrest Group is continuing its 50 Faces of Hillcrest series of films to celebrate its 50th anniversary and its people. Below are faces 17-41.
Hillcrest Group is continuing its 50 Faces of Hillcrest series of films to celebrate its 50th anniversary and its people. Below are faces 7-11.
Hillcrest Group is continuing its 50 Faces of Hillcrest series of films to celebrate its 50th anniversary and its people. Below are faces 7-11.
Hillcrest Group is continuing its 50 Faces of Hillcrest series of films to celebrate its 50th anniversary and its people. Below are faces 2-6.