Applications for council homes in Moray are being paused from March 18 while a new online service is introduced.
Moray Council
An action plan to secure carbon neutral status for Moray Council has been approved.
Moray Council has agreed a multi-million-pound investment plan for the upcoming year and freeze Council Tax at 2020/21 rates in a budget worth over £215 million.
Moray Council has agreed increases in charges for housing services for the coming year, including house and garage rent, and grass cutting. Even with the agreed 3% increase in rent, which over 58% of tenants who responded to the consultation voted for, Moray Council continues to have one of the lowe
Around 4,500 properties in Huntly and Keith were without gas overnight following an outage. The outage began early on Tuesday 2 February and SGN engineers are working to restore the supply.
Phase one of the 1,500 housing development at Findrassie in Elgin has been given the go-ahead by Moray Council. Representatives on the planning and regulatory services committee accepted officer recommendations to grant planning permission to Barratt North Scotland for the first 113 homes of the 8.6
Council house tenants in Moray are being consulted on proposed rent changes. Moray Council continues to have the lowest average weekly rent of all local authorities in Scotland, at £60.02 in 2019-20 compared to the national average for local authorities and housing associations of £81.46
Moray Council's planning committee has agreed plans to build 77 houses in the village of Lhanbryde. Yesterday, the committee backed the council officers' recommendation to approve Springfield Properties’ development at St Andrew Terrace.
Days of heavy rain in the Moray area have proved the success of the local authority's flood alleviation schemes.
Moray Council’s flexible food fund has re-opened for applications to help those facing financial difficulties. Anyone facing financial hardship can apply for help in paying for food during the ongoing coronavirus crisis. Cash is allocated monthly to successful applicants, based on the number o
A trio of community asset transfers in Aberlour, Lossiemouth and Findochty have been given the go-ahead from Moray Council. Two competing requests were received for the Alice Littler Park in Aberlour, from Play Aberlour and the Aberlour Community Association.
Planning permission has been granted for 81 homes in Elgin.
Private and commercial developers are being reminded that Moray Council's new guidance on developer obligations comes into effect from today. The new guidelines apply to all new developments, from a resident building a new-build home for themselves, or larger-scale housebuilding or commercial develo
A multi-million-pound cash boost to help the Moray economy recover from the impact of COVID-19 is being considered by councillors.
The number of homes being built in Moray is at its highest since 2011.