Stephen Llewlleyn People living in council homes in North Lanarkshire are being asked to give their views on rent restructuring proposals.
North Lanarkshire Council
A newly settled resident has become the 500th tenant to move into a new build council home by North Lanarkshire Council. Mrs Doloros Gunn, who’s now happily settled in to her new build council home in Chapelhall, said: “I was very surprised to be told that I’m the 500th tenant to move in to a
North Lanarkshire Council has marked another successful site completion in its ambitious house building programme with the official opening of new council homes at Nursery Court, Kildrum. Provost of North Lanarkshire, Councillor Jean Jones, unveiled the plaque officially opening the site, which is h
North Lanarkshire Council has agreed proposals to invest £32.75 million over the next five years to begin to transform its town centres into “modern, vibrant communities where people live, work and socialise”. Forming part of a long-term economic regeneration delivery plan for the area, the tow
North Lanarkshire Provost, Councillor Jean Jones, official opens North Lanarkshire Council’s latest completed new homes site in Cardowan Drive, Cumbernauld, joined by tenants, elected members and officers from North Lanarkshire Council and developer Lovell Partnership Ltd
The official opening of new council homes at Cardowan Drive in Cumbernauld North Lanarkshire Council has unveiled proposals to more than double its affordable home plans by pledging to deliver 5,000 homes by 2035.
A visit has taken place to mark the progress of new build council homes at the site of a former primary school site in Motherwell. The new development being built at the Calder Primary School site in Draffen Street by North Lanarkshire Council consists of 30 units - a mix of cottage flats, both semi
People living in council tower blocks and flats in North Lanarkshire identified for potential demolition will see information packs and surveys delivered through their doors this week. North Lanarkshire Council is seeking the views of every resident who may be affected in the first phase demolition
Homes for sale on the open market could soon be purchased under a new scheme by North Lanarkshire Council. Scotland’s largest local authority landlord has agreed proposals to buy homes which are for sale in the local housing market to increase supply of available council homes for rent.
The developers of one of Europe’s largest regeneration projects have submitted a masterplan which aims to attract significant investment into the former Ravenscraig steelworks near Motherwell. Encouraged by North Lanarkshire Council’s announcement of a £190 million roads programme in the area,
Ambitious investment plans totalling £50.9 million will deliver significant housing improvements to council homes across North Lanarkshire, benefitting tenants and helping make significant strides towards reducing the local authority’s carbon footprint. Replacing all kitchens and bathrooms by 202
Tenants are making themselves at home after moving in to North Lanarkshire Council’s latest two newly completed housing developments in Cumbernauld. These new developments at Nursery Court, Kildrum and Cardowan Drive, Blackwood, are part of the council’s exciting new house building programme, NL
Pupils from St Ambrose High School in Coatbridge visit the Robertson Partnership Homes site Blair Road development Pupils from Coatbridge have visited the site of their old school to take part in a construction challenge led by infrastructure firm Robertson Group.
Paul Jukes North Lanarkshire Council chief executive, Paul Jukes, has announced his intention to retire later this year after 31 years in local government.
Up to £6 million is to be invested in local improvement projects in North Lanarkshire.