Scottish social landlords are modernising services and making use of new technology to deliver real, quantifiable savings and improved productivity, according to HouseMark Scotland’s Value for Money Club. The club’s second meeting of the year took place on May 19 in Glasgow.
North Lanarkshire Council
A group of councillors looking at plans to build 1,000 homes in North Lanarkshire has been disbanded amid concerns over fairness and transparency, according to reports. The Herald has reported that North Lanarkshire Council shut down its own cross-party working group of six local politicians after l
The North Lanarkshire Joint Integration Board (JIB) has met for the first time to discuss the future of health and social care in the area. From the 1st of April 2016, following a shadow year, the JIB took responsibility for planning, commissioning and overseeing the delivery of a wide range of heal
Housing staff Cheryl McLuskey & Alan Paterson with Cllr Paul Kelly & Cllr Barry McCulloch North Lanarkshire Council tenants are enjoying one of the best repairs services in Scotland – according to the latest performance review.
Stephen O’Neill (centre) with colleagues from Viewpark housing office Stephen O’Neill, a North Lanarkshire Council housing officer based in Viewpark, has been shortlisted for a prestigious national award.
North Lanarkshire Council’s tenancy support service in Bellshill and Viewpark has received a very positive rating from the Care Inspectorate for providing support to help people stay in their homes and avoid homelessness. The report praised the local authority’s support services for vulnerable p
Police are to review allegations of corruption relating to a central heating company part-owned by North Lanarkshire Council after the local authority launched its own investigation into the claims. Detectives have launched a preliminary investigation into Saltire after concerns were flagged up in a
‘It pays to switch’ is the message North Lanarkshire Council is promoting to residents as it launches its third energy supplier switch campaign. Over 2,000 households have already saved an average of £271 per year without the need to contact energy suppliers or understand your tariff.
Des Murray Scotland's largest council landlord is reminding people about the potential dangers associated with gas appliances in their homes.
Lesley Martin (programme liaison officer) with Cllr Paul Kelly and Anne Cummings People living in more than 26,000 homes across North Lanarkshire are set to benefit from a bumper £250 million investment over the next five years.
Ochilview Court A housing project which brings colour to Cumbernauld is proving popular with residents.
Social housing provider Sanctuary’s project to replace Cumbernauld’s high-rise blocks is building momentum. Three blocks at Allanfauld Road in Seafar were demolished to make room for a £12.7 million development of 111 new flats which will be available by summer 2017.
North Lanarkshire Council has unveiled plans to invest £250 million in housing over the next five years. The investment, announced as part of the local authority’s budget agreement, will also see an expansion of the new house building programme.
North Lanarkshire Council has decided to bring investment in the current housing stock to a quarter of a billion pounds over the next five years and expand its new-build housing programme. Setting its general services and housing budgets for 2016/17 yesterday, the council said more than 26,000 homes
North Lanarkshire Council is up for three accolades at the UK Housing Awards 2016. The awards, organised by the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) and Inside Housing magazine, has seen North Lanarkshire Council shortlisted for: