Daradjeet Jagpal Consultant and solicitor Daradjeet Jagpal responds to the Scottish Government consultation on extending Freedom of Information (FOI) legislation to RSLs in Scotland.
Neil Collar, head of Brodies’ Planning Group Why do Ministers call-in planning cases? Does it make any difference to outcomes? Neil Collar from Brodies discusses.
Aoife Deery details Shelter Scotland’s response to the Scottish Government’s consultation on social security. At the end of October, Shelter Scotland submitted our response to the Scottish Government’s consultation on social security. We appreciated this opportunity to help shape the new Scott
Landa Rolland from the Big Lottery Fund Scotland recalls the moment when they surprised the Shettleston Community Growing Project in Glasgow with the news that their application for £127, 986 was successful. It was a dreich Thursday morning in Glasgow’s east end when Big Lottery Fund Scotland pro
What does a day in planning enforcement look like? A pertinent question for Katherine Pollard, the network manager at the RTPI’s National Association of Planning Enforcement (NAPE). Since my first day in 2015 I’ve been guided and am working alongside a dedicated voluntary committee which represe
Frances Snee, empty homes adviser at Shelter Scotland, visits Argyll to see the successful completion of an empty home renovation. I was lucky enough to go on a day trip across the water to Dunoon the other week. I’d been invited by Argyll and Bute’s Empty Homes Officer Kelly Ferns. Kelly was in
Stephen Herriot With the impending December 31 deadline looming, Stephen Herriot outlines seven steps which social landlords can take to develop an effective procurement strategy.
Jenny Love Jenny Love discusses a case at Edinburgh Sheriff Court involving a landlord who breached tenancy deposit regulations.
Dr Beth Watts Dr Beth Watts argues that the growing focus on innovative responses to homelessness must be balanced with a commitment to approaches we already know work.
Rosemary Brotchie Rosemary Brotchie, policy and research manager for Shelter Scotland, shares Scotland's experience of abolishing letting agent fees as England plans to do the same.
Stephen Herriot Continuing our series of Just A Minute profiles is Stephen Herriot, head of operations at PfH Scotland.
Anna Evans Housing consultant Anna Evans outlines what can be learned by the work of housing associations in the mid market rent sector.
With only five Fridays left before the big day, Shelter Scotland national marketing & communications manager, Amanda Collins, turns her attention once again to Social Media Santa. There are over 5,000 reasons stopping us from celebrating this year – because that’s the number of children in
In partnership with our sister publication Scottish Financial News, Scottish Housing News is running a series of Just A Minute profiles of housing association finance directors. We kick off with Heather Kiteley, finance director at Port of Leith Housing Association. Heather Kiteley
Daradjeet Jagpal Consultant and solicitor Daradjeet Jagpal dissects the Scottish Information Commissioner's latest decision notice regarding a request for information to Ayrshire Housing and underline the importance of RSL compliance.