Graeme Brown A welcome obituary for Right to Buy in Scotland, from Shelter Scotland director Graeme Brown.
Roseanna Cunningham By Roseanna Cunningham, Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Land Reform and Climate Change
A DBS affordable housing development in Narol Following a trip to India earlier this year, CIH South East international group's Vipul Thacker guest blogs about what we can learn from the country's efforts to improve its affordable housing offer.
Susanne Webster As the Scottish Government looks to review the Scottish Social Housing Charter, CIH Scotland's policy and practice co-ordinator Susanne Webster blogs about the recent series of consultation events and considers what is likely to be included in the new Charter when it comes into force
Laura Fairlie By Laura Fairlie, private landlord support officer, working within Dundee City Council.
Yvette Burgess Yvette Burgess, unit director at the Housing Support Enabling Unit, blogs on the Better Futures framework, a pioneering initiative with two simple aims: to help improve the quality of life of people using housing support services across Scotland and to enable organisations to plan and
Lesley Palmer, chief architect at Stirling University’s Dementia Services Development Centre, considers the importance of the ‘Older Persons' Walkable Neighbourhood’ when considering Housing Land Audits and the allocation of development sites for older people housing. As an Architect with a Ma
Gavin McEwan Gavin McEwan, partner and head of charities at Turcan Connell, writes about the changes charities will see after Brexit.
Westbridge Mill LinkLiving Ltd (part of the Link group of social enterprises) re-launched its multi- purpose building at West Bridge Mill, Kirkcaldy on Friday following an extensive refurbishment.
Community Intern, with Shelter Scotland, Chidem Enkeshafi writes about his time with the charity examining private renting in Scotland and the common issues surrounding private renting in Scotland. Hi, my name is Chidem Enkeshafi and I’ve just started my Community Internship at Shelter Scotland G
By Conrad Rossouw, digital manager for Shelter Scotland Calling all coders, designers, and housing professionals! Shelter Scotland needs you to help us solve Scotland’s housing crisis. We’re getting together on the 28th of July for a weekend of brainstorming and collaboration to devise digital s
Emma Dore By Emma Dore, senior policy officer at Shelter Scotland
Bryan Powell By Bryan Powell, private landlord support officer at Shelter Scotland
On Wednesday 29 June, Viewpoint managers Anne and Julia took part in the Virtual Dementia Tour at Cameron Toll - here’s what they thought. Anne:
James Battye By James Battye, policy officer with Shelter Scotland