A Scottish Government reporter has approved appeals for two developments in Perth & Kinross totalling more than 230 homes. Perth & Kinross Council refused an application for 59 home and eight flats in Milnathort by Springfield Properties last year after concerns were raised so
Persimmon is to start work on 86 new homes on the grounds of the former Cleland Hospital in Wishaw in the coming weeks after it completed the purchase of the site from NHS Lanarkshire.
Persimmon Homes has launched an appeal into Perth & Kinross Council's rejection of an application to expand a housing development in Kinross. The housebuilder had hoped to build a further 169 houses at its development at Lathro Farm.
Four of the UK's biggest housing developers are being investigated by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) over concerns they may have broken consumer protection law in relation to leasehold homes.
Dunedin Canmore has delivered a major boost to affordable housing across Edinburgh after completing 174 new homes in four communities across the capital. The social landlord has completed 110 new, energy-efficient houses and flats for social rent and another 64 for mid-market rental.
Five housing developers have succeeded in challenging a chapter of the Inverclyde Local Development Plan concerning housing land supply on the ground of inappropriate methodology.
Perth & Kinross Council has rejected an application to expand a housing development in Kinross amid concerns that sewage water would spill into Loch Leven.
Stirling Council has given conditional approval to plans to build around 800 new homes near Bannockburn.
Housebuilder Persimmon has followed Taylor Wimpey in announcing plans to start reopening sites but like its rival, this will not be applicable to Scotland just yet.
Persimmon Homes North Scotland has successfully secured the land for a £9.3 million new development in at the 4.79-acre Kingspark School site in Dundee. The developer will build 62 new homes at the site.
West Lothian Council has approved plans for 48 new homes in West Calder.
Persimmon Homes has been granted permission to build 158 homes in Wormet, Fife.
Plans for a new £70 million housing and industrial park in Carnoustie have moved forward with the submission of an application to Angus Council. Commercial manager Gavin Watson (left) and David Laing, chairman of DJ Laing Group, at the Pitskelly site
West Lothian Council has agreed to sell a 0.72-acre piece of land in Blackridge for £150,000. The site at Allison Gardens will be acquired by Southvale Homes (Lanark) Limited, an adjoining landowner who approached the council to buy the land.
An independent review into the effectiveness of customer care measures and processes at Persimmon has revealed issues with fire prevention measures and “poor workmanship” on its properties.