The UK government has breached British citizens’ human rights by failing in its obligations to promote access to safe and affordable housing, according to a report to be submitted to the United Nations (UN). The Just Fair Consortium is an ‘umbrella’ organisation for civil society agencies camp
Annual rental returns in Scotland have risen to the highest ever recorded, according to the latest data. The figures provided by Your Move show that Scottish landlords have seen total annual returns of 9.7 per cent on average in the 12 months to March.
David Orr Labour’s latest housing plans will only make the housing crisis worse, an array of sector bodies have warned.
A campaign aimed at making Scotland’s growing private rented sector fit for families and fairer for all hits Edinburgh on Monday. Shelter Scotland’s Make Renting Right campaign aims to raise awareness of and build public support for reforming the outdated private tenancy regime which sees too ma
Mike Dailly Govan Law Centre has launched a campaign which it hopes will give a voice to people in the private rent sector and lead to reforms.
John Alexander A new project which would work with private landlords to improve standards could be launched in Dundee later this year.
By James Battye at Shelter Scotland Last week the Scottish Government published a second consultation on a new private tenancy. This goes further than the government’s initial proposal – which set out the high level principles underpinning the government’s reforms – and gives us an idea of w
Margaret Burgess The Scottish Government has launched a consultation into a reform of the laws in the private rented sector which it hopes will remove the fear of eviction and help tenants to assert their rights.
Jennifer Paice SafeDeposits Scotland has called for an overhaul to a government scheme designed to protect tenants’ cash from unscrupulous landlords amid concerns the Crown will receive £1 million in unclaimed deposits by 2018.
Clive Betts MP A UK parliamentary committee inquiry into the effects of banning letting agents’ fees in Scotland has decided that the next UK government should assess the impact on the private rented sector before making any decision to ban or rule out a ban on letting agents' fees in England.
Katy Dickson A new English law banning retaliatory evictions in the private rental housing sector can pave the way for similar targeted legislation in Scotland, a rural membership organisation has said.