Queen's Cross Housing Association and Southside Housing Association have secured funding for community nature boosts in Hamiltonhill and Queensland Community park.
Queens Cross Housing Association
Queens Cross Housing Association hit the nail on the head with its latest bid to help tenants learn new skills and get them more involved with their local community. Boomerang’s workshop leader Owen Parsell (left) and Queens Cross wood workers Jennifer Hook and Steven Carrick show off some of
Queens Cross Housing Association is bringing five vacant commercial properties in north west Glasgow back into productive use as new homes. The properties are undergoing a £500,000 refurbishment by the Association as part of its conversions programme to meet the high demand for new housing in
A second round of the Plugged-In Households Grant Fund has now opened, allowing more social housing providers, third sector and community organisations the chance to procure the services of electric vehicle car clubs. £500,000 is available for social housing providers and third sector organisa
Supported accommodation is a vital resource in helping vulnerable young homeless people to build secure and stable lives, cabinet secretary for communities and local government, Aileen Campbell, has heard. Ms Campbell saw the benefits of this first hand during a visit to Queens Cross Housing Associa
A pilot scheme to help supported housing tenants with odd jobs is to be continued after receiving 100% positive feedback. Over the past six months Queens Cross Housing Association’s six-strong ‘Home Team’ has been taking on a variety of household tasks, not normally covered by tena
Queens Cross Housing Association’s work with homeless young people has been rewarded at the UK Housing Awards in London. The Association’s youth homelessness service received a highly commended award, in the Homelessness Project of the Year category, at the showpiece event in front of 1,
Plans to build more than 600 new homes in one of Glasgow’s key regeneration areas have moved a step closer to becoming reality.A masterplan for the site in Hamiltonhill received planning permission in principle in December. And now, developers behind the £90 million mixed-tenure project
Queens Cross Housing Association has outlined the steps that it is taking to help its EU national tenants prepare for Brexit. The association is taking steps to pro-actively explain the legal position of EU-born tenants after the UK leaves the European Union.
Tenants of Queens Cross Housing Association affected by plans for the UK to leave the EU will be reassured at a special drop-in-session to explain the legalities of their post Brexit status. According to latest census figures there are 209,000 EU citizens living in Scotland almost 4% of the total po
Queens Cross Housing Association has achieved an internationally recognised excellence award for their work to improve services to tenants. European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) status enables organisations to demonstrate how well they are performing against globally recognised definitio
Eight housing associations are to share a £510,000 investment from the Scottish Government towards electric hire car clubs to allow people to rent low-emission vehicles. The Plugged-in Households Grant Fund will support the associations to procure the services of car clubs.
Queens Cross Housing Association has made it on to the Sunday Times list of the best UK employers. The Glasgow social landlord was named as one of the best employers in the country in the not-for-profit category.
Glasgow’s George Square was an array of colour on February 10 as ng homes joined in the celebration of the Chinese New Year. Also known as the Spring Festival, the event saw colourful dragons, pandas, dancers and a Scottish Pipe Band light up a special night in the city centre.
Queens Cross Housing Association has now secured £40 million funding from M&G Investments for ambitious plans to transform the Hamiltonhill area of Glasgow into a new urban ‘suburb’. The Association is to build 300 affordable homes for rent on the site just north of the city ce